Tuesday, October 15, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Shadow Games by Jane Firebaugh

Prejudice. If you have never experienced it, you can’t understand it. You do not get it. You don’t feel the hatred, the all-consuming dislike because of your skin color, religion, nationality, or gender.

Shadows Games by Jane Firebaugh examines prejudice in this gripping story of a beautiful, successful surgeon. Hannah is blindsided by a vicious attacker who comes after her like the Terminator. Nothing seems to stop him.

I could not put this book down. It felt so real I had to remind myself this was fiction. Read this book.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Shadow+Games+by+Jane+Firebaugh&i=digital-text&crid=2C8LBA18Y2UYX



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Monday, October 14, 2024

ART: Old Master Francisco Josè De Goya

Goya. Francisco José De Goya. Yes, I’d hear of him. Yes, I knew he was an old famous artist. But that was about it… until I viewed the Old Masters Exhibit at the beautiful Butler Institute of Art in Youngstown, Ohio. 

Goya was one complicated dude. He endured the horrors of war at a very early age. During the French Revolution, he witnessed people being hanged, burned, and guillotined. He saw mental patients tortured. Surely, that played a part in his dark and bizarre style of drawing.

Francisco José De Goya was a renowned printmaker and portrait artist. It is said he remained in good graces with whichever group that came into power because of his terrific portrait skills, accenting the models best features, almost to a fault. Everybody looked better in a Goya portrait than in real life. 

These photos I took at the Butler Exhibit unfortunately do not show those favorable, alluring portrait skills. These are dark and bizarre. 

Goya suffered from an autoimmune disease that left him deaf at an early age. He also had syphyllis. He had seven or eight children, depending on what I read. All but one died in early childhood. 

There is a rumor he left instructions to have his head severed before burial. He wish to have his head buried in Madrid next to the body of the thirteenth Duchess of Alba, whom he fell in love with while painting her portrait. There is no proof of this. Still… his head is missing. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

SCHEDULE: October 14-18, 2024


Monday, October 14 - ART:
The Old Masters
Francisco José De Goya
Tuesday, October 15 - BOOK REVIEW:
Shadow Games
By Jane Firebaugh
Wednesday, October 16 - INTERVIEW:
Personal Growth Author
Vince Guaglione
Thursday, October 17 - TV TIME:
The Protector
Friday, October 18 - BOOK:
The Baslicato
A Time After Time Novel
By Carol Ann Kauffman



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Friday, October 11, 2024

BOOK: Waiting for Richard by Carol Ann Kauffman

When Skye McKenna retired as an insurance office manager, she decided to launch a new career as a book author. On an impromptu book tour in Australia, she meets a reclusive elephant-loving veterinarian and together they have some madcap adventures.

Why does he seem so familiar? And soooo attractive? And how old is TOO old to find love?

The TIME AFTER TIME series follows a pair of quintessential lovers, Richard and Nicole, through their many lifetimes of love together, at different times, in different places, with different names and faces.

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

TV TIME: Find Me Falling (Netflix)

I’m a big Harry Connick, Jr. fan so I watched this sweet romantic family drama set in beautiful Cyprus, Greece, as soon as I could. I was not disappointed. 



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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

INTERVIEW: Children’s Author Maxine Sylvester

Maxine Sylvester
Bali, Indonesia

Good morning, Maxine! And welcome to Vision and Verse, the site for art and authors. 
What have you written?
I have written three books in the ‘Ronaldo the Flying Reindeer’ 
series; they are available as ebooks from Amazon.com. The second 
book, Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher, is coming out soon 

What is your favorite genre to write?
Children aged 6-10 years. I am very much in touch with my inner 
child so writing and illustrating for this age group comes naturally.

taught that age group for 35 
years. They are my favorite people.  
Favorite food
Pizza! I also have a passion for 
Indian curry.

Tea or coffee?
Herbal tea. Jasmine is my favourite.

Pizza or ice cream? 
Without a shadow of a doubt, pizza! 
I would only eat ice cream if there 
was a fudge brownie buried beneath it.

Wine or beer or soda? 
I don’t tend to drink alcohol or soda but I will
 have the odd glass of wine at Christmas or on 
my birthday.

Where would you like to visit? 
Disneyland, Shanghai. I have been to the other Disney 
Resorts; this is the last one on my bucket list.

Favorite musical artist.
Anything from Guns ‘n’ Roses and 
ACDC to Bruce Springsteen, 
Pink Floyd and James Taylor. I also 
have a wonderful Disney 
soundtrack with all the songs from 
the films and theatre productions.

Do you listen to music when you write?  
I listen to music when I am illustrating 
but I find it too distracting when I write.

What makes you laugh? 
Old comedies like ‘Fawlty Towers’. 
I also like ‘Johnny English’ films.

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 
I have a folk art painting which I 
bought in Park Cultury (Gorky Park) 
in Moscow. Not only do I love it 
because it’s a winter scene but it 
reminds me of the time I spent in Russia. I also 
like the Hachiko statue in Tokyo. I saw the film 
and made a point of having my photo 
taken with it while I was in Japan.

How old were you when you started writing? 
Mary Poppins says you should never discuss a woman’s age, 
but I will make an exception this once (ha!) I was 47 years old.

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? 
Or just write? 
I usually have a rough idea in my head how I am going to start the story,
 but then it veers off in a different direction, and then I am thrilled because 
I never saw it happening that way. I always keep a notebook handy 
because once my brain is in writing mode, ideas keep coming at the 
strangest times and I might be in the bath or out shopping.

Describe your perfect evening
I like Saturday evenings at home with my partner, Mark. We usually order 
an Indian curry and watch the Premier League football. (Unfortunately we 
support different teams which have led to minor conflict over the years!)

Where do you get your inspiration? 
From childrenI love to encourage them and each book has a message. 
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher is about friendship and bravery. 
My first book, Ronaldo: The Reindeer Flying Academy, deals with self 
belief. Ronaldo is a good role model and very relatable; I want children to 
feel they have a friend every time they pick up a Ronaldo book.

What do you do when you get a 

writer's block? 
I have a few sessions of acupuncture. 
I believe that a writer’s block comes 
from the body not functioning to the best 
of its ability. Outside factors like stress 
can have a major influence on how the 
body performs.

Who is your favorite author? 
I’d have to say J.K. Rowling. I devoured 
the Harry Potterbooks. 

Best book you ever read. 
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle; it was 
life changing for me. Whenever I feel anxious, 
I read the shortened version and it reminds me 
to get out of my head.

I have that book sitting on my shelf, 
in my giant "to be read" pile. 
Maybe I'll move it up toward the top. 

 Last book you read. 
Creativity Inc. by Ed Catmull. The author is one of the founding fathers of 
Pixar animation, a tiny little company who created Toy Story and eventually 
merged with the epic Disney. I am obsessed with Disney and Pixar so the 
book is a fantastic read for me and so inspirational!

I've read that one! Excellent! I wished I had read that when I 
was younger. I doubt I would have stayed in the classroom 
for 35 years. 

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer?
I would probably illustrate for other people. At the moment I only illustrate 
my books. I am a trained Pilates Instructor, so I could teach a few classes 
as well.

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most 
and why? 
My partner, Mark. Over the last twenty-three years, he has supported 
every hairbrained idea I have ever had. He helps with my social media 
to give me more time to write/illustrate.

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE 
person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be 
and why?
Walt Disney, although I tend to get tongue tied when 
I am in awe of brilliant people. (I once sat at the next 
table to Roger Waters of Pink Floyd – I couldn’t even ask 
him for an autograph!) 
As to why, Walt Disney has brought so much joy and 
inspiration to my life, I would like the opportunity to say 
thank you!

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer?
Do it! Believe in yourself but don’t be too proud to ask for help. You want 
your book to be the best it can possibly be, so surround yourself with people 
that have experience in the industry. I would also suggest investing in an 
editor; a good one is worth their weight in carrots!

Do you have some links for us to follow you?

Twitter:      @flyingronaldo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maxinesylvester/

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Million Dollar Staircase by David Crosby

In Million Dollar Staircase, David Crosby expertly weaves a story about a sleepy little coastal town and its collision with small town officials, corporate greed, local henchman, and the evil eminent domain.
Will Harper’s life is forever changed when his great aunt passes and leaves him everything. He packs up, moves to Florida, and buys a boat. The little coastal town where he docks his boat catches the eye of a big corporation that wants to pour money into the town to revitalize it and build a million dollar staircase right where his girlfriend’s small marina is. 
Legal battles, some tough investigations, a few dead bodies, and great characters carry this tale to a satisfactory ending in the first book in the trilogy. I am off to start Book Two. 




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Monday, October 7, 2024

ART: Italian Sculptor Jago

 One Sunday morning in July, I was watching CBS Sunday Morning and discovered the marvelous marble sculptures of  Jacopo Cardillo, internationally known as Jago.



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Sunday, October 6, 2024

SCHEDULE: October 7 - 11, 2024

  Monday, October 7 - ART:
Italian Sculptor
Tuesday, October 8 - BOOK REVIEW:
Million Dollar Staircase
by David Crosby
Wednesday, October 9 - INTERVIEW:
Children's Author
Maxine Sylvester
Thursday, October 10 - TV TIME:
Find Me Falling
Friday, October 11 - BOOK:
Waiting for Richard
A Time After Time Novel
by Carol Ann Kauffman



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Friday, October 4, 2024

BOOK: Bentley Square, Time After Time by Carol Ann Kauffman


Strangers meet on the train. 
She, a beautiful, wealthy businesswoman. 
He, a down on his luck office manager. 

They have nothing in common. And yet, they are drawn to each other with an undeniable hypnotic magnetism. 

This is the story of Rebecca Robbins, daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the country and Mark Ramsay, a man shrouded in dark mystery and hiding in the shadows from death squads amid international intrigue.

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