Wednesday, September 18, 2024

INTERVIEW: Romance Author Ruthie L. Manier


Good morning, Ruthie, and welcome to Vision and Verse. Can you tell us what you’ve written? 

I write romance, contemporary, time travel, western, and paranormal. Here is a list of my titles:


Celebrations: Holiday-themed         

A Miracle for Santa (Christmas short story 2022)

Journey to Believe (Christmas short story 2023

Recipe for Love (Valentines Day 2024)

Ruby’s Redemption (Easter 2024)

Sparks of Independence (IndependenceDay July 2024)


Chasing        Time:            Time travel            western       romance     




Peyton (new, late 2023)


The    Clayton        Boys: Classic          western      

Forbidden Paths  (new 2023)


The    Hemocil       Society:        Paranormal            romance     

Lovers Curse

Lovers Salvation

Lovers Refuge

Lovers Escape (new, Late 2023)


What is your favorite genre to write? 

Romance, I love a happy ending.


Favorite food. 

It's hard to decide on my favorite food. I love everything, including Italian and Mexican, seafood like salmon, shrimp, and oysters. Potatoes are my go-to food, and it does not matter how they are cooked! Fresh breads and cheese are my downfalls. I consume a lot of berries as well.


Tea or coffee?

Both, coffee in the morning, and iced tea in the afternoon.  

Pizza or ice cream?

Pizza for dinner. Ice cream for dessert.  

Wine or beer or soda or what?

White Claw; peach, watermelon, tangerine and mango. Sometimes, especially when I am camping, I like a shot of Crown.


Where would you like to visit?

Australia is my dream vacation.  

Favorite musical artist.  

Where do I start? Elvis, Barbara, Elton.


Do you listen to music when you write?  What?

No, I need complete quiet to keep my concentration. I might be ADHD undiagnosed.


What makes you laugh?

Children make me laugh the most! They say and do the funniest things.  

Favorite work of art or sculpture.

My favorite artwork is my son, Jon K Manier’s paintings. He is incredibly talented!

 How old were you when you started writing?

As soon as I learned how to write. My older sister (by ten months) Debi was usually my main character much to her dismay. Lol.



Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write?

I do not write note cards, sometimes I’ll write a paragraph or summary of what I have in mind for the story. Most of the time I simply sit down and start writing. 



Explain your perfect evening.

My perfect evening is sitting out on our bedroom deck on a warm night with my husband Jon and sipping on a cold beverage after dinner. Listening to music, or the many birds in the sanctuary behind our yard. We love watching our dog play in the grass with his soccer ball. Our little carin terrier, Jasper loves to play soccer! He is damn good too. I might be a tad bit bias.


Where do you get your inspiration?

I get my inspiration from life. People from everyday life and from the past. A sunset, a sun rise especially at the ocean.  



What do you do when you get a writer's block?

When I get writer’s block I either keep writing until something comes to me or do some form of exercise. Other times I might wait a few days before it comes to me. Normally, the block is from not knowing which direction 

I want to go with a character or an event.  

Who is your favorite author?

I could never name a favorite author. There are too many that I love!   

Best book you ever read.

My favorite book is another hard question. I’ve read so many. I guess I will go with Pride & Prejudice by author Jane Austen. I also loved LittleWomen.



Last book you read.

The last book I read was written by author Gerald L Guy, titled “Trashman.”  I gave it 5 stars!


What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer?

I recently retired from the medical field after twenty-five years. My dream job has always been to become an author. 

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?

My father Danny Gene Moore influenced my life the most. He was shot three times by a 45 magnum at the age of twenty-one, he survived but became paralyzed from under his arms down. He was strong and proud and smart learning a new profession after the shooting because he could no longer do carpenter work. He worked at the Goodwill for 15 years in the electronic department. When he could no longer do that kind of work he started painting and selling his work. He taught me to be strong and proud and to have good work ethics but even more dad taught me empathy and to follow my dreams. 



If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?

Jesus of course. I have many questions like how Im doing towards getting to heaven.



What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer?

The advice I give aspiring authors is to go for it! Follow your dreams! Write, write, write and then rewrite! Don’t let anyone smash your dream! Kindle Direct Publishing is a great way to start out on your journey. 






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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Lemon Yellow Lies by Emily Oberton

Lemon Yellow Lies, Hadley Home Design Mysteries Book 1, by Emily Oberton was a cute, fun read. Hadley is a home designer and decorator. Reeling from a break-up with her boyfriend, Hadley goes to visit her aunt and while she was there, decided to apply for a position in town and move there.

A wealthy man asked her to renovate his bark yard and pool area where he plans to host a surprise birthday party for his fiancée, who is presently on a business trip.

Well, surprise, surprise, the fiancée shows up, assumes her fiancé is cheating on her with Hadley, causes a big scene, and then orders Hadley to leave at once.

To make matters worse, the nasty fiancée then goes missing. From there, things get worse. 

Cute characters with a lighthearted nature carry this murder mystery to an exciting, satisfying end. 



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Monday, September 16, 2024

ART: British Landscape Artist Jo Grundy

 I discovered the beautiful depictions of the English countryside created by the talented Jo Grundy by accident on Facebook and wanted to share them with you. 

Aren’t they lovely? She makes me wish I had more walls.





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