Friday, September 13, 2024

BOOK: Belterra, Time After Time, by Carol Ann Kauffman


Coming of Age Fantasy, Sci-fi Romantic Adventure The Time After Time Series follows a pair of unlikely lovers on their adventures through their many lifetimes together. 

This time the couple is reborn on an alien planet, Belterra. The law forbids not only intermarriage, but interaction between the four clans is discouraged. Will fate guide them to each other? Braedon, Lord of the Soldier Clan of the East, often dreamed of a beautiful blonde woman. 

When he rode into the lavender fields of the West searching for her, he had no idea if she was even real. But there she was, Neeka, daughter of the Lord of the Warrior Clan, waiting for him. He reached out to her and she accepted his hand, as memories of their previous lives flooded their minds and love warmed their hearts. 

Fate can’t keep them apart. What they have is more than love. They’re eternal soulmates. Their everlasting love survived many lifetimes but never without sacrifice and heartache. This lifetime will not be any different. 

Can one person make a difference? Against all odds, the hatred among the clans, her father’s disapproval, and the power-hungry, evil scientists, Neeka fights for their love and the right to be together, changing not only their lives but the course of life, love, freedom, and the political structure of their planet forever.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

TV TIME: Finch (Apple TV)

I like Tom Hanks. I have liked him since Bosom Buddies hit the small screen in 1980, where Tom and Peter Scolari played two single men who dressed up as women in order to live in a women's only hotel that was affordable housing in New York City. It was hilarious.

So, whenever I see Tom Hanks listed in the cast, I watch.
This started out much like Tom and the volleyball (Cast Away 2000) but soon grew to be so much more.

I loved it. Watch it. With a tissue. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

INTERVIEW: Cozy Mystery Writer Christa Nardi


                                            Christa Nardi

College Station, Texas



Good morning, Christa, and welcome to Vision and Verse, the site for

art and authors and those who love them. Can you tell us a little about 

what you've written?

Cozy mysteries mostly. I also co-author a teen/young adult mystery 

series with Cassidy Salem.

What is your favorite genre to write? 

Cozy mystery



I've read some of your work. I just 

love it! 

Favorite food. 


That's my favorite food group!

Tea or coffee?                    

Neither. Diet coke is my substitute.


Pizza or ice cream? 

Ice cream, please. Mint Chocolate 



Wine or beer?


Definitely wine.


Where would you like to visit?


That list is very long – next up 

(assuming travel is safe) is the 

Panama Canal in 2022.


Favorite musical artist.  

Andrea Boccelli for calming/soothing 

sounds, Lady A the rest of the time. 


Do you listen to music when you write?


No, I prefer quiet. The voices in my head make enough noise.


What makes you laugh?


My 5-year-old granddaughter, Grace. She’s at that age.


Favorite work of art or sculpture.

Would have to be a Monet, probably 

Water Lilies 1916.

How old were you when you started 



In elementary school I think. I wrote 

on and off, some stories and some 

poetry in high school. 


Do you plan out your book with 

outlines and notecards? Or just 


I’m definitely on the pantser end of the continuum. Definitely no 

outline. A general idea, main character(s), setting, and I start writing.

It doesn’t necessarily look the same when I finish as the first rough 



Describe your perfect evening. 

Dinner with my husband and 

friends, glass of wine, maybe 


relaxing with no thoughts of to-do 

lists or work.


Where do you get your inspiration? 

From people and situations I’ve 

encountered over my life time and a 

career in mental health.


What do you do when you get a writer's block?

I do something else for a few days and let my subconscious work on 

it. Then I go and do what some say you should never do. I start at the 

beginning and re-read what I already wrote, editing as I go, and add 

on from where I left off.              


Who is your favorite author? 

Another hard one. General fiction 

would be Louisa May Alcott – I 

read them all and Jo was my all-time 

heroine. In mystery from years ago, it 

would be Daphne du Maurier. 

Romantic suspense would be Kathleen 

Brooks (I’m addicted to the Bluegrass 

series). In cozy mysteries, I enjoy 

many of my fellow writers including 

Larissa Reinhart, Anne Celeste 

Burke, Ellen Crosby, and Deborah Garner. I also read sci-fi/fantasy – 

Tolkien, Robert Heinlein and Mercedes Lackey. 


Best book you ever read. 

That would be a toss-up between 

Rebecca (du Maurier), Little Women 

(Alcott), and The Hobbit (Tolkien).


Last book you read. 

Tall Tales Secret Book Club 



What would you do for a living if you 

weren’t a writer?

Mental health services or teach.


Who is the one person who has 

influenced your personal life the most 

and why? 

My father. He supported me in 

whatever I wanted to do, whatever I 

set as my goal. 


If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, 

living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

Not sure who that would be. I would like to visit the Blossom Café in 

Keeneston, KY (Bluegrass series) where everyone hangs out. The 

dynamic portrayed and orchestrated by three senior women (and then 

others as they age out) draws me in.


What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Sit down and write. With or without an outline. Write what you feel 

and what you would want to read. At the same time, get involved in 

writer groups (in person or virtual). I’ve found other authors to be 


***Note to My Gentle Readers: Look for my review of  Wine and Dead, Another Murder by Christa Nardi here in the Achives at the bottom of the page, posted on March 23, 2021.


Do you have some links for us to follow you?

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

BOOK: Fair Game, A Jackson Flint Mystery by Scott Geisel


Fair Game by Scott Geisel was a good story. It’s the first book in the Jackson Flint Yellow Springs mystery series. 

A chance meeting of a girl in the rain led Jackson to multi-generational family mystery in a small Ohio town. 

Great characters, a good plot line, and some unforseen twists and turns made this a book that was hard to put down. 



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Monday, September 9, 2024

ART: Eight Things That Are Blue

 Eight Things That Are Blue

When I was teaching first grade years ago, I noticed most children picked blue as their favorite color. Red was a good, hot second and there were the occasional pink and black thrown into the mix. 

Why blue? 

Here are some reasons:

Blue Eel

Check out their website. 
It is full of interesting, 
well-written, easy to understand information.



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