The Time After Time Series follows a pair of unlikely lovers on their adventures through their many lifetimes together. This time the couple is reborn on an alien planet, Belterra. The law forbids not only intermarriage, but interaction between the four clans is discouraged.
Will fate guide them to each other?
Braedon, Lord of the Soldier Clan of the East, often dreamed of a beautiful blonde woman. When he rode into the lavender fields of the West searching for her, he had no idea if she was even real. But there she was, Neeka, daughter of the Lord of the Warrior Clan, waiting for him.
He reached out to her and she accepted his hand, as memories of their previous lives flooded their minds and love warmed their hearts.
Fate can’t keep them apart. What they have is more than love. They’re eternal soulmates. Their everlasting love survived many lifetimes but never without sacrifice and heartache. This lifetime will not be any different.
Can one person make a difference?
Against all odds, the hatred among the clans, her father’s disapproval, and the power-hungry, evil scientists, Neeka fights for their love and the right to be together, changing not only their lives but the course of life, love, freedom, and the political structure of their planet forever.
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