Friday, July 26, 2024

BOOK: I Need Christmas, An Oakville Family Christmas by Carol Ann Kauffman

 After a depressing year of sadness, loneliness, and self-doubt, successful civil engineer and former All-American basketball star Elizabeth (Betsy) Curry returns home to Oakville, Ohio, for the Christmas holidays a depressed and broken women. 

Reeling from her bitter divorce from the handsome, charming, but morally decrepate Tommy DeMalio, her college sweetheart and first big love, who left her after two years of what she thought was a good marriage for a stripper he met at an office bachelor party for her co-worker, Betsy feels lost and empty. 

Not exactly anticipating the happy holiday with her family and their multitude of joyful Christmas customs and long-time storybook-like traditions, she knows she needs them in order to heal. 

Once comfortable at home and feeling somewhat better about herself, Tommy shows up and claims he wants a reconciliation, throwing her back into the self-destructive cycle of doubt, hostility, and suspision she is trying so hard to escape.

She discovers her father has set her up with his protégé at work, the tall, handsome, athletic red-haired Patrick, who, try as hard as she can, she can’t find a single thing she doesn’t like about him.

So, what’s the problem? 

Betsy feels it’s too soon for her to love again. How can she love anyone again when she doesn’t like herself or what she’s become since the break-up. Also, she fears she will hurt the sweet, gentle Patrick.

Will the love, joy, and goodwill of the holiday season coupled with the many long-time holiday customs and Curry family traditions help Betsy to find herself again? Will she be strong enough to lift herself out of her self-induced prison so that she can take another chance on love?

Amazon Link:

Thursday, July 25, 2024

TV TIME: Paradise (Netflix)


This was a surprise of a little sci-fi movie! A man (Max) works for a big pharma corporation that can transfer years of life from one person to another. Years are like money. You a sell years of your life for cash. 

Max is sent by the corporation to convince a specific woman, a dedicated doctor, to become involved with the company. Instead he falls in love with her and they get married. 

Unbeknownst to Max, his wife is a perfect match for the aging owner/of the corporation and they have been set up for disaster. 

This was a thriller with lots of twists and turns. 



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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

INTERVIEW: Romance Author Brenda Hasse


Brenda Hasse

Fenton, MI



Good morning, Brenda, and welcome to Vision and Verse. What have you written? 

I have written both fiction and nonfiction and published indie and traditional. In fiction, I have written many genres – picture books for children, YA historical romance, second chance romance, romantic suspense, pre-teen historical mystery, metaphysical/visionary. In nonfiction, a human trafficking biography, ghost stories and history of Fenton, MI. In total, I have written sixteen books and am currently editing my seventeenth book.

What is your favorite genre to write? 


Favorite food.    


Tea or coffee? 


Pizza or ice cream? 


Wine or beer or soda or what? 

Water with lemon

Where would you like to visit? 

I have been to Scotland twice and would love to revisit it.

Favorite musical artist. 


Do you listen to music when you write? 


What makes you laugh? 

My grandchildren.

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

The Veiled Virgin by Giovanni Strazza

I love that one, too.

How old were you when you started writing?
In my 30s, but I did not publish for a decade or so. 

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write? 

I define myself as a pantser. I use a character card for each character in my book. It contains physical and emotional characteristics that I refer to while writing. Even though I start with a basic outline, it may change as I write.

Describe your perfect evening. 

My perfect evening is in the company of family. Even though I enjoy my quiet time to write, being with loved ones is always welcomed.

Where do you get your inspiration?

 I like to think I am chosen to tell a story. Sometimes, the inspiration finds me. For instance, the book about a young woman who was human trafficked here in the United States happened during a book signing. The woman and I began talking and she shared her experience with me. After telling me her story, she admitted she had never told anyone else about her experience, not even her family. She didn’t know why she was telling me. I could think of no other reason other than I was supposed to write her story.

What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

I don’t experience it often. I try to always have something in mind before I sit down at my laptop to write.

Who is your favorite author? 

Jane Austen  

Best book you ever read.

 A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux

Last book you read. 

I read the ARC of Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade by Janet Skeslien Charles 

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer? 

Knit, garden, spend more time with my husband and grandchildren. I am retired but worked as a computer programmer analyst and, later, a guest teacher in my local school district.

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why? 

My grandmother, because she was always there for me when my mother was not.

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, would it be and why? 

Just one? There are so many – Jane Austen, Joan of Arc, Abraham Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Leonardo DeVinci . . .it’s difficult to pick just one. 

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Write for the love of writing. A career in writing is an uphill climb, so don’t quit your day job. 

Do you have some links for us to follow you? 




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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: What Lies Beneath by Bill Kitson


What Lies Beneath by Bill Kitson was not one of those average, happy, “Good-Looking British Detective Inspector Solves Crimes in a Lovely Sleepy Village” novels. 

No, this tale is dark. Dark crime. Dark villains. Gripping action. Heartbreak. 

DI Mike Nash, is as flawed and lovable as they come. He is likable and believable. 

The story itself was sometimes hard to read because it brings to light the horrors of what evil men are capable of. 

Once you start reading this book, you’ll want to block off some time to finish reading it because you will need to know how it ends. 



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Monday, July 22, 2024

ART: Vintage Seed Packets

Beautiful art can be found all over! On the trees. In the sky. On seed packets, especially these old vintage ones. 



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Sunday, July 21, 2024

SCHEDULE: July 22-26, 2024


Mon., July 22 - ART:
Vintage Seed Packets
Tues., July 23 - BOOK REVIEW:
What Lies Beneath
by Bill Kitson
Wed., July 24 - INTERVIEW:
Romance Author
Brenda Hasse
Thurs., July 25 - TV TIME:
I Need Christmas
by Carol Ann Kauffman



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Friday, July 19, 2024

BOOK: Christmas at Star Lake, A Madison Rand Book by Carol Ann Kauffman


Madison Rand runs Rand Solutions, an unusual and very helpful agency in the beautiful town of Silver Maple, New York. The police inform her that her highly qualified, specialized employees are targeted by a professional killer and being picked off, one by one. To save their lives, she closes down her business, sends them all away, and retreats to a friend’s cabin at Star Lake to figure out who is after them and why. 

Danger follows her to the cabin in the woods at Star Lake, where an old ghost from her past reappears on Christmas Eve, hellbent on revenge, and the madman tracks her through the underground caves at the lake. 
Shots are fired. A body drops to the ground. Is it Kyle Miller, the love of her life, who followed her to the cabin to propose on Christmas Eve? 

The air is thick with treachery and deceit. The body count is rising and old friendships are put to the test. But Madison Rand believes in miracles, especially at Christmas time.

Available in kindle format and paperback on Amazon:


Christmas at Star Lake 

By Carol Ann Kauffman



Office Call


“Yes, Brittany,” Madison answered the office intercom phone. “Is Kyle here?”

“Ah, no, Ms. Rand, Detective Carlucci’s here to see you,” Brittany announced.

“Oh, no, Brit,” whispered Madison. “Carlucci never brings good news. There goes my good mood, my holiday spirit, and in all probability, my lunch date with Kyle,” she sighed, looking at her watch. “Let him in,” she groaned.

“Ms. Rand will see you now,” Brittany said to the policeman.

Silver Maples’ finest detective in more ways than one, Anthony Carlucci, sauntered into Madison’s office and stared at her.

“Merry Christmas, Detective Carlucci. What a pleasant surprise. And how did my little systems analysis business offend Silver Maple’s Finest this cold December morning right before Christmas?”

“Ahh, Madison, don’t be like that. Although Rand in Cleveland, Chicago, and Philadelphia is what you say it is, we all know damn well this little systems analysis business is a front for the biggest and the best hometown protect-the-innocent-and-help-the-helpless operation in the country. You thumb your nose at the establishment and make the police department look inefficient on a daily basis and the citizens of Silver Maple love you for it, at least the law-biding ones. Remember, me and Rand, we go way back. And it’s always a pleasure to come and visit and just look around.”

“Thank you, I think. Coffee?”

“Sure.” He sat down, stretched out his long legs, and got comfortable.

“Brittany, Detective Heart-throb Carlucci’s in the mood for some coffee to go with his late morning chat,” she called out. “Now, what’s on your mind, Detective? Christmas is almost here and I’m a busy woman.”

“Madison, new evidence has come to light from the state coroner’s office. You’re in over your head, kid. Do you still own this building? Without Hawk, Pops, and Thor, you’ve got nobody to protect you. You’re pissing people off left and right. I think you should sell. Get out of New York. Go somewhere nice and warm. Open up a little dress shop in Florida.”

Brittany came in with his coffee, sat it down, winked at him, and strutted out. 

Carlucci watched her until she was out of sight.

“Tony? Yo, Tony!” she called, shaking him back to the conversation. “What are you talking about? What new evidence?”

“Your big blonde guy, Thor? Real name Bob Turner.”

“Yes, what about Bob?”

“It wasn’t a heart attack. We have new evidence… it was murder.”

Madison stood up and backed away from Carlucci, leaning against the wall for support. “Murder? Bob… was killed? Why? How? He didn’t have an enemy in the world. Who would want to kill Bob?”

“The lab report showed a highly toxic poison in his system. At the autopsy, the coroner did note a tiny pinprick on Bob’s shoulder. Someone delivered the poison by a pat on the shoulder. Fast-acting stuff. So, we gather, it happened while he was out jogging in the park that morning.”

“No,” whispered Madison in disbelief, then taking a moment to let it sunk in. “So Bob was murdered.” She walked to the window and looked out silently for a moment. “You know, I always doubted that heart attack theory,” she said. “He was as healthy as they come. Exercise freak. Vegan. Vitamin-popper. Knew all his numbers: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, hemoglobin, homocysteine, and sodium levels. Damn walking encyclopedia of health information one really didn’t care to know. Sometimes he was pure hell to have dinner with. But murdered? Who would want to kill Bob? And why?”

“Any one of the number of disgruntled thugs, bullies, and criminals that you’ve angered over the years. But, Madison, there’s more. Are you listening to me? Madison? Pops, too.”

“My dad? No, Tony, Dad had a stroke. In bed. In the middle of the night. At home.”

“No, kid. He was murdered.”

“Somebody murdered my father in our house? While I slept upstairs?” Madison sank into her chair.


“But there was no sign of a break in.”

“I know. They were good.”

“How did they get passed our security system?”

“I don’t know. They were good.” 

“So somebody killed Bob and my dad last December and you just now figured it out? The same way? Two tiny pinpricks didn’t send up a red flag? What’s the matter with you guys? Are you all blooming idiots?”

“There was no autopsy done on Pops, remember, so we don’t know if he had a pinprick. We’re only going on the tox reports. These things take time. The tox report on Bob Turner came in and got filed with the closed cases. The computer didn’t cough up the match with your father’s until yesterday when... Listen, you‘re all in danger, but especially your boyfriend, the toothpick from Cleveland. If someone’s targeting your muscle, then the toothpick is next to go down. Everybody knows who he is and where he works, and everybody knows he’s nuts about you. He’s a celebrity in town and he’s only been here, what, a year? The TV reporters follow him around just to see what he’ll do next.”

“Dad and Bob died last December. So… why are we in danger now?”

“A big order of this highly unusual substance has just hit the city.”

“You have a paper trail?”

“Well, no, we had a digital trail that… vanished.”

“So some crazy person out there only wants to kill my people at Christmas time? What’s the name of this substance? How much exactly is a big order? Where did it originate? Is there an antidote?”

“You need to close down Rand Solutions and become invisible, all of you, or the body count is only going to go up. Today, Madison.”

“Answer my questions, Tony,” she demanded.

“I don’t have the answers.” He threw his hands up in the air.

“Thank you for coming. Goodbye, Detective Carlucci. See yourself out.”

“Madison, I need you to…”


Madison picked up her handbag and left through her private entrance. She pulled her coat off the hook in the hall and rode her private elevator down to the street. She couldn’t breathe. There was a giant lump in her throat. Something was twisting hard in her chest. Her head was pounding. She wanted to puke. Or pass out. Or both.



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Thursday, July 18, 2024

TV TIME: Vigil, Season One (Peacock)


A Glasgow Detective is sent to investigate a murder of a sailor aboard a nuclear submarine with some problems.

The talented Suranne Jones plays the Scottish detective Amy Silva brilliantly in this thrilling action-packed series.

An excellent supporting cast and the tight interior of the sub make this a heart-pounder.  



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