The romantic adventure series, TIME AFTER TIME, follows a pair of quintessential lovers, Richard and Nicole, through their lives together, in different places, in different times, at different stages of their lives, with different names and faces and sometimes even on other planets.
This follows the alternative theory that the relationships we forge in this lifetime, both the good and the bad, are continued into the future, and are rooted deeply in our past.
Whatever we do, whomever we love, and the good and evil deeds we do today follow us into the future. Unsettled issues will present themselves again and again, until they are ultimately resolved.
Those people who have had a profound effect on us in this lifetime will find us again in the future. And although everything changes, love remains.
Books in the TIME AFTER TIME series are: full length novels BLUE LAKE, BELTERRA,The BASLICATO, BENTLEY SQUARE, MACKALVEY HOUSE, and LORD OF BLAKELEY and novella Waiting for Richard. They do not need to be read in order.
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