Friday, June 7, 2024

BOOK: Space Dragon, A Love Story by Carol Ann Kauffman

Cover by Cover Up & Hide

Twelve of Earthfleet's finest starships are floating in space unmanned. The ships are intact with no visible damage, but no life signs or bodies are detected. 

Earthfleet Council has decided to send cadets out to fly the spaceships home, despite rumors of carnivorous space pirates.

Is it a rescue mission? 
There are no life signs.

Is it a recovery mission? 
There are no bodies to recover.

It's more like a space parking valet mission. 
Locate and board spaceship. 
Bring it home.

What could possibly go wrong?

Available in kindle format, paperback, and on Vella.


Chapter One

Transportation Gridlock



“Attention, please: Public transportation is presently shut down due to a minor snafu in the citywide driverless vehicle system,” blared the governmental artificial intelligence program announcer over the public address system. “We ask for your patience as we work to resume normal operations.”  

“Wonderful. Just wonderful,” announced Emma Fortunato to no one in particular as she sat down on the steps of the building. “Traffic’s at a standstill and I need to get across town to the Conference Center now. Like right now.”

“Oh, no, Em, what are you going to do?” asked Earthfleet Leadership classmate Abby Sweetwater.

“I don’t know yet.” Emma rubbed her forehead. “I need to present my suggestions for manning the remaining EarthFleet ships with staff in order to avert the crisis in the Ulysses Quadrant. Entire crews have disappeared from spaceships in this quadrant, leaving twelve of our ships floating empty in space.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Abby, flicking her hair. “That’s all my dad’s been talking about is your great plan. He’s so excited. Who else is near the Conference Center who could step in and take your place at the conference?”

“Nobody can take her place,” answered Tyler Lomond, walking up to join the conversation.

“Hi, Tyler,” giggled Abby. “What are you doing here so early?”

“I’m here to take the Science Officer exam.” Tyler turned to Emma.

“Mr. Fortunato,” nodded Tyler, giving her the formal class greeting. “It’s good to see you outside the training room. Is all well with our shining star?”

Emma looked at him quizzically. 

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m in your Leadership Forum. Tyler Lomond.”

“You are? Where?”

“I sit in the last row in the back,” he laughed, “as close to the exit as I can get.”

“Hello, Mr. Lomond. I swear I’ve never seen you before. I’m pretty sure I’d remember you.”

“I get there late every day,” he blushed.  “And leave early.”

“Well, maybe that’s why I’ve never seen you. Tyler, as much as I would like to, I can’t stop and chat. I need to be at the Conference Center in ten minutes to present my ideas for staffing as the EarthFleet ships.”

“Yes, the ones floating crewless in the quadrant. That’s all everybody’s talking about.”

“Yes, and as you can see, traffic is a standstill. Nothing is moving. This is really important. I need to figure out what to do next.”

“I can get you there is seven minutes,” he says as he points to his motorcycle.

“Let’s go, Mr. Lomond.”


Tyler handed Emma his helmet. He helped her get on the back of the motorcycle.

“Have you ever been on a Speed Cycle before?”

“No. But I’m desperate,” said Emma.

“Well, you’re in for a treat. Hold on tight.”

He zoomed in and out of traffic, zigzagging through lanes of stopped vehicles as Emma clutched on tightly behind him. Arriving at the Conference Center in seven minutes as promised, Emma hopped off and removed Tyler’s borrowed helmet.

“Thank you. Oh, I must look like hell.” She ran her fingers through her long, wavy, chestnut brown hair.

“No. You look beautiful. Now get in there and knock them dead, Captain. Go,” Tyler smiled and pointed.

“Thank you again, Tyler.”

“My pleasure, Emma.”

Tyler watched her run into the Conference Center. He glanced at his watch. He put on his helmet, raced back to the Earthfleet Certification Building, and ran into the building.

“Tyler Lomond, here to take the Science Officer Certification Exam.” He pulled out his identification and pre-authorized exam fee receipt. “All my paperwork is in order.”

“Sorry, Mr. Lomond,” said the monitor at the door Cadet Monitor Jason Wazelle. “The exam procedure has begun. You are three minutes late.”

“Oh, come on, Mr. Wazelle. I can see through the window they haven’t started yet. Let me in.”

“No can do,” said Wazelle with a smirk as he tapped his watch face. “You should learn to be on time, Lomond.” 



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Thursday, June 6, 2024

TV TIME: Super Eruption (Tubi)


Super Eruption tells the story of a volcanic eruption in Yellowstone National Park. As my readers know, I love a good disaster movie and this one on Tubi checked all the boxes. 

The scenic shots of Yellowstone, pre-disaster, were gorgeous. The special effects were exciting and timed to the last possible second to get the full heart-pounding effect. 

Juliet Aubrey, a favorite from the old British series Primeval with Doug Henshall days, was outstanding. She and Richard Burgi carried the film. 



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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

INTERVIEW: Multi-Genre Canadian Author Catina Noble


Catina Noble
Ontario, Canada

Good morning, Catina, and welcome to Vision and Verse. What have you written?

-To date, I have 13 books published and a couple hundred publications. My books include: 

Everest Base Camp: Close Call         

Teal, Teal Flint” Surviving Adolescence

The Happily Ever After

Letter Rip: Breaking into the Writing World

Finding Evie

El Camino on a Wrecked Ankle

Not Again

This Is It

Not Just Me

Vacancy at the Food Court & Other Short Stories

Im Glad I Didnt Kill Myself

Lost at 13



All of my books are available on Amazon platforms and a variety of local book stores in the Ottawa and Kingston area. 


What is your favorite genre to write?

-I have an eclectic writing style. I have written in a variety of genres including short-stories, travel non-fiction, fiction, horror and poetry. I like writing a bit of everything. 

Tea or coffee? 


Pizza or ice cream?


Wine or beer or soda or what? 

Diet Pop

Where would you like to visit? 


Favorite musical artist.

 I dont have one.

Do you listen to music when you write? 

No. I usually write at a coffee shop.

What makes you laugh? 

Mostly myself or my pets. I have a cat named PJ (Pop-Tart Junior) 

and a dog named Aspen.


This is an Art AND Author website, 

so I am obligated to ask: 

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

I dont have one.

How old were you when you started writing?

 I wrote my first book” when I was 8. I have kept a journal 

since I was eleven years old. 

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write?

 I dont plan my work with outlines and I just go with the flow. 

Describe your perfect evening. 

An Iced coffee on an enclosed porch overlooking water. I have my laptop and a notebook in hand to jot down notes. 

Where do you get your inspiration?

From my daily life and coffee shops.  

What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

I go to a coffee shop, there is always something interesting.

Who is your favorite author? 

Stephen King & L.M. Montgomery & J.K. Rowling. It is a tie. I cant just pick one. 

Best book you ever read. 

The book It” by Stephen King

Last book you read. 

Run For Your Life” by C.M. Sutter

I recently read that one, too! Good book. 

What would you do for a living if you werent a writer? 

Work with people who struggle with mental health/addiction challenges. 

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why? 

My best friend, who is in her 70s. She used to be a typesetter and is a writer. She has challenged me in so many good ways. I wouldnt be where I am today with my writing career if she hadnt given me the encouragement and confidence to keep moving forward. 

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

Stephen King because I love his work and his work is so unique.

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer?

 Never give up, no matter what anyone says. You cant make your writing dreams come true if you dont write. 

Do you have some links for us to follow you?

IG: @cncreate









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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Death Behind Silent Walls by Blythe Baker




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Monday, June 3, 2024

ART: Belgian Naturalist Wildlife Painter Carl Brenders

I had never heard of the naturalist wildlife painter Carl Breeders from Belgium before I did an interview with the delightful Bonnie Randall, a Modern Gothic author from Alberta, Canada. She is quite taken with Brender's work .

 So, I did a little online research. And I discover the wonderful work of Carl Brenders.  



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Sunday, June 2, 2024

SCHEDULE: June 3-7, 2024

Mon., June 3 - ART:
Belgian Naturalist Wildlife Painter
Carl Brenders
Tues., June 4 - BOOK REVIEW:
Death Behind Silent Walls 
by Blythe Baker
Wed., June 5 - INTERVIEW:
Multi-Genre Canadian Author
Catina Noble
Thurs., June 6 - TV TIME:
Super Eruption 
Fri., June 7 - BOOK:
Space Dragon, A Love Story
by Carol Ann Kauffman



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