Friday, June 14, 2024

BOOK: Talus by Carol Ann Kauffman


When peaceful planet Korbus was under attack from a vicious alien species, Prince Talus was sent to Earth for his protection.

Hidden in a run-down apartment building in a big Midwestern city, Talus is ill-equipped to deal with a normal life, let alone life on the run in the slums of Earth. 

And worse yet, he's trapped in a poor middle-aged man's body. 

A random, senseless murder leaves Talus alone in a strange and dangerous world with no one to trust. 

Will Talus survive?

Dear Gentle Readers,

Talus is a novella I originally wrote for Amazon's new episodic reading platform Vella last year.  

It's about a prince whose home planet is under attack by a vicious alien race. Prince Talus is sent to Earth to keep him safe. The handsome prince's essence is hidden in a poor, middle-aged man's body. Things to not go well for his highness.

I really liked Talus and this story. Some of my readers agreed with me that Talus was their favorite story of my eight novellas on Vella. 

Notice I said 'some'. Basically Talus, which is available on Vella, in kindle format, and in paperback, has been completely ignored. I know if more people read it, SOMEBODY would like it. 

Here is the Amazon link if you want to look at it. 

Right now you can read the first ten episodes free on Vella. 
The ebook is reasonably priced at $.99.
The paperback is $8.25.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

TV TIME: The Gentlemen (Netflix)

 The Gentlemen, a limited Guy Ritchie series streaming on Netflix, was one of the most inventive and entertaining series I've seen in a long time. 

The wonderfully talented and easy on the eyes Theo James plays Edward Halstead, a soldier who is called home because his father, the Duke of Halstead, is dying. Well, the Duke dies, leaving everything to his younger son Edward instead of his older son, the druggie privileged, screw-up Freddy. And that's not half of what Edward has to deal with.

The plot line is over the top. The locale is gorgeous. The acting is top notch. I thoroughly enjoyed this series.  



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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

INTERVIEW: Women’s Fiction Author Lakeshia Poole

Lakeshia Poole 




Good morning, Lakeshia, and welcome to Vision and Verse. We’re happy to have you with us this morning. What have you written?

I always joke that I self-published my first book in fourth grade. I was introduced to creative writing and fell in love. I wrote and illustrated several stories, stapled them together and sold them to my classmates. I always knew I wanted to pursue writing and have indie-published 7 titles including a mix of new adult fiction, inspirational non-fiction, guided journals, Christian fiction, and womens fiction. My most recent books include Renew: 40 Prayers and Prompt to Power Up Your LifeFaith Beats FearA Holiday Reunion; and Happily Ever Christmas.


What is your favorite genre to write? 

I enjoy writing womens fiction most. I like showcasing a womans unlikely journey from a tragedy to triumph. No matter the genre, its important to me as a writer to create worlds that inspire and give people a sense of hope. There is something special about reading a story where you can see yourself — the experiences and characters feel familiar.


Favorite food. 

Shrimp — I could probably eat them in a variety of ways everyday.

Tea or coffee?    


Pizza or ice cream? 


Wine or beer or soda or what? 

Sparkling Water

Where would you like to visit? 

New Zealand

Favorite musical artist.  

Marvin Gaye

Do you listen to music when you write?



 I listen to TV/Film scores — usually something by Hans Zimmer or Game of Thrones soundtrack by Ramin Djawad

What makes you laugh? 

I can usually find humor in anything, but I especially like the everyday I cant believe that just happened” moments of irony. 

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí

How old were you when you started writing? 


Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write?

Every story starts with a character speaking or a line of dialogue that I freely write about and then I build out character profiles and plot my outline to write from. 

Describe your perfect evening. 

My perfect evening is one in which I feel like Ive had a productive day and now I can relax on my porch in my hammock reading a book, with the sounds of nature in the background. 

Where do you get your inspiration? 

I am easily inspired — I can read a headline, hear a name, or see an interesting exchange and start to form a story. I consider everything in life potential material and in many ways I am able to process some of my most challenging moments through writing. I find that having that quiet time in nature allows me to think through ideas.    


What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

I go for a walk in nature. Or sometimes Ill read something Ive written and Im reminded of how much I love a story or a character. 


Who is your favorite author? 

It is a tie between J. California Cooper and Flannery O’ Connor. 


Best book you ever read.

Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison    

Last book you read. 

40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole


What would you do for a living if you werent a writer? 

I would be a filmmaker.


Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why? 

My mother has influenced me most because she created an environment for me to thrive and create. She bought my first typewriter when I was in 5th grade and allowed me to have all of these wild, crazy imaginings. I inherited her sense of humor, storytelling, and project management.


If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

I really would like to have a conversation with Jesus — I have so many questions and can only imagine what it was like to be in his physical presence. We may not even talk much. 


What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Ive had the privilege of teaching and coaching dozens of aspiring authors and I always tell them to stay focused on the main thing: writing. Its simple, yet so difficult for many to do because our lives are so busy with tasks that pull us away from creating. There are so many other elements to being an author, such as the publishing process and promotions that many aspiring authors focused more on everything else besides writing. You have to be protective of your creative space and remain in that mode to write freely and authentically. 


Do you have some social media links for us to follow you? 










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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Parallel Roads, Lost on Route 66 by Dennis Higgins

This book, Parallel Roads, Lost on Route 66 by Dennis Higgins, was a tremendous surprise. I bought this book because I loved the beautiful cover and I loved traveling on Route 66. 

As I began reading the book, I thought it was a well-written travel book with strong emphasis on family genealogy. 

Bam!!! Next thing I know I am time-traveling down Route 66 at break-neck speed with only mystery and danger as my companions. I could not put this book down. I highly recommend.



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Monday, June 10, 2024

ART: Finnish Digital Graphic Artist Mikko Tyllinen

Mikko Tyllinen is a digital graphic artist from Finland. 


I claim nothing here as my own.
All information found online.
Facebook, Art Cavern, 
Eden Gallery, and 
Zip Recruiter



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Sunday, June 9, 2024

SCHEDULE: June 10-14, 2024

Marriott Stellaris Resort, Aruba

Mon., June 10 - ART:
Finnish Digital Graphic Artist
Mikko Tyllinen

Tues., June 11 - BOOK REVIEW:
Parallel Roads, Lost on Route 66
by Dennis Higgins
Wed., June 12 - INTERVIEW:
Women's Fiction Author
Lakeshia Poole

Thurs., June 13 - TV TIME:
The Gentlemen
Fri., June 14 - BOOK:
by Carol Ann Kauffman

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