Wednesday, July 3, 2024

INTERVIEW: British Epic Fantasy Author Joan Lightning

Joan Lightning
Pretty much right in the middle, 
near where John Bunyan lived.

Good morning, Joan, and welcome to Vision and Verse. I see I had to catch you on the move! I heard you don't slow down much. We are happy you could squeeze us in. Tell us a little about what you've written?

Seven volume Epic Fantasy – Guardians of Reyth. A planned four volume sequel – Recitors of Kandar. (I’m currently working on book 3 of that.) One Christian Supernatural novella – Chosen? And a few other short stories and novellas. 

Plus my grandfather’s letters home from WW2.

Photo Joan took of a Blue Titmouse

What is your favorite genre to write? 

Speculative fiction. Generally Epic Fantasy, but I dabble in other sub genres for short stories for the local writers group.

Favorite food.

Errrr I really can’t answer this. Food is food. Some is delicious, some is nice, some is horrible. I don’t really think in terms of ‘favourite’.

Tea or coffee? 

Yes. Basically it depends what time of day. 

Tea most of the time, but coffee mid morning.

Pizza or ice cream? 

Neither, but if I absolutely had to choose, it would be ice-cream.

Wine or beer or soda or what? 


Where would you like to visit? 

I would like to see the pyramids.

Favorite musical artist. 


Do you listen to music when you write? What?

No. I’m partially deaf and don’t want to upset the neighbours.

What makes you laugh? 

Not much, to be honest. Most comedy tends to involve cruelty. I did enjoy The Big Bang Theory, but it wasn’t laugh out loud funny.

This is an Ary and Author Blog so I am obligated to ask:
Favorite work of art or sculpture. 
None. Sorry. I’ve always liked Roger Dean’s art.

How old were you when you
started writing?


Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write? 

I’m a discovery writer. No plans, no charts, no boards.

 Just a rough idea where it’s heading.

Describe your perfect evening. 

Outside with a camera, successfully getting photos of a comet or something similarly wonderful.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I haven’t the slightest idea.

What do you do when you get a writer's block?

Work on something else. Either a different story, or painting, or nalbinding, or practising taichi/kung fu, or going out with my camera to take photos of birds and countryside.



Do you have some links for us to follow you?



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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: A Subtle Murder by Blythe Baker




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Monday, July 1, 2024

ART: Marvel at the Old Masters at the Butler

My husband and I are big fans of the famous German woodblock print artist Albrecht Dürer so when I saw this post on Facebook, I knew we wanted to catch this exhibit at the beautiful Butler Museum of Art on Wick Ave. in Youngstown, Ohio. 

This exhibit is the Meszaros Gallery, located on the lower level.

There is an elevator across from the Fine Arts Gift Shop, so don’t let the steps deter you from viewing this awe-inspiring collection. 

If you’ve never been in the Meszaros Gallery before, don’t be deterred because it looks like you got lost and ended up in the file cabinet room. Give it a chance and you will be struck by the serene, muted, understated atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself completely in the artwork in front of you. 

Do take a moment to sit on the bench and let the Old Masters speak to you.

The exhibit runs through August 4, 2024 and gives us a glimpse into the art and times of these three influential masters and the history of the world around them. 

                                              - from Butler Museum of Art 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

SCHEDULE: July 1-5, 2024

 Mon., July 1 - ART:
Marvel at the Old Masters
at the Butler Museum of Art
Tues., July 2 - BOOK REVIEW:
A Subtle Murder
by Blythe Baker
Wed., July 3 - INTERVIEW:
British Epic Fantasy Author
Joan Lightning
Thurs., July 4 - TV TIME:
Fool Me Once
Fri., July 5 - BOOK:
Madison's Christmas
by Carol Ann Kauffman



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