Thursday, October 11, 2018

ART: The Artist Victor Gabriel Gilbert

Victor Gabriel Gilbert was born on February 13, 1847 in Paris. He studied for a period of time with the then famous painter and lithographer Victor Adams (1801-1866) and with the landscape painter Charles Busson (1822-1908). 

Victor became popular very quickly for his Parisian scenes, as with his contemporary Jean BĂ©raud (1849-1935).

He excelled at painting market scenes in the Paris area. People liked his street market scenes of lush fruits and vegetables. 

His most famous painting were of Les Halles, the central food market for Paris with its wrought iron and glass with stalls full of fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish, along with their very colorful characters and stallholders,
Vincent exhibited his work at the Society Artisted Francais, where he was awarded a silver medal in 1889. 

Toward the end of his career, he won the Bonnet Prize in 1929,

Vincent Gabriel Gilbert died in Paris in 1933. He is buried in the Montmartre Cemetery in Paris. 

Once again, I claim nothing here as my own. All information on Vincent was found on the internet. His date date was reported as 1833, but I think they meant 1933. 

One of his most famous paintings is called 
The Flower Seller, 1878.

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