Friday, September 7, 2018

BOOK: Blue Lake by Carol Ann Kauffman

When British actor Richard MacKenzie entered the diner, all he expected to find was a cup of hot tea. Not his soulmate, the love of his life, the woman who had been wrenched from his arms so long ago in another lifetime. He knew her immediately. But would she recognize him?

While finishing up some business paperback after lunch in the local diner, Nicole, a widow from Ohio, felt someone watching her. When she looked up, she saw him. Him. 

When Nicole decided to step back into life in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico with Richard, a young handsome British actor who professed his undying love for her on a daily basis, she mistook his devotion for little more than youthful enthusiasm. 

She had no idea where their relationship would take her physically or emotionally. She would find herself in many dazzling international locations, putting her own life on hold, simply to be with him. She had no concept how strong her commitment to him would grow and to what extent she would go to protect him and ensure his safety and wellbeing.

And she certainly had no idea the depth of his devotion to her, an unlikely but undeniable love that would span continents and a decade of their lives, entwining them closer and closer, while their careers, families, and other relationships pulled them farther and farther apart. 

“This series of novels is different than anything else out there. Set in exotic and in some cases unusual settings, these characters are thrown together by random chance...or is it?

An intriguing turn of events can change the whole dynamic of a relationship. The destination is certainly worth the journey these novels take you through.”
-Amazon review of Time After Time series


After a grueling day on location, with stunts, dust, and heat, Richard showered and dressed at the studio, picked up the bouquet of pink sweetheart roses he had delivered to the studio lobby and, humming, headed over to Nicole’s hotel with papers in his inside pocket, papers that he hoped would make her happy. And that would make him happy, no, actually, happier, because he was happy just to be with her.
Nicole was packing when Richard came in.
“What’s all this? Where are you going?” said Richard as he threw the flowers aside and rushed to her.
“Back to Ohio. The house is sold. Are those for me?” eyeing the beautiful small pink roses. “Or is it a late apology to the maid for Happy Couch II?”
He picked up the flowers, gave them a little shake, and presented them to her.
“For you, My Love.” Nicole looked at him and softened.
“Oh, Richard, they’re lovely! They’re my favorite flower.”
“I know.” Richard said with a smile and wrapped her in his arms.
“They’re really hard to get here.”
“I know.” He squeezed her and kissed her neck.
“You are really incredibly sweet. Do you know that?”
“I know,” he said softly, shyly.
She giggled and he nuzzled up against her as he inhaled the delicious scent of her perfume, Bulgari. He was lost in her. Moments passed.
“I have a surprise for you. Come on. Let’s go.”
They drove off in a loaner car from the studio. The restaurant was crowded, but they were seated immediately. After ordering, Richard took her hand and took in a deep breath.
“Now for the surprise.” He produced the papers from his pocket and slid them across the table to Nicole.
“Ah, you brought me papers to fill out for you, insurance forms from the studio again?” Nicole unfolded them and began to read. 
“Richard, what is this?
“Keep reading, Love.”
“You bought the house? You are the mystery man who outbid us all? Richard, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, I wasn’t sure how high he would go. I wasn’t sure I would get it. My money is in London and it’s in the pound, not the dollar. I wanted you to have this house. If I told you what I was doing and I didn’t get it, you would be even more disappointed, and I couldn’t bear that. Aren’t you happy? You have the house.”
“No, Richard. You have the house. I hope you’ll be very happy there. I’m going back to Ohio.” Nicole left the table and headed outside.
Richard followed her out. 
“Ohio? What’s in Ohio?”
“Exactly!” responded Nicole, as she walked toward a taxi. Richard ran after her.
“Nicole, slow down, let me take you home, or let’s go back in and have some dinner, and let me explain. I did it for you. I bought the house for you, Love. Come on, Nicole, please, just let me explain!”
She stopped. They returned to their table and Richard slid in next to her instead of across, so she couldn’t run off again. He put his arm around her. 
 “Okay,” whispered Nicole, “explain.”
“I called Teresa and told her I’d do anything to outbid this bloke who made you sad. And if she could facilitate it in any way, I would appreciate it. She suggested a cash transaction would speed things up, and leave the old bloke in the dust because his cash was tied up in the Mideast. So, she ran the papers over to me at the studio, I signed them, and gave her my banker’s number to set up the wire transfer. I wanted the deed in your name only, but Teresa said that would make you responsible for taxes, insurance, and so forth. That is why the deed is in both our names. I was only trying to make you happy.”
“Let me get this straight. We’ve known each other for a little over a month and you bought me a house. Not just any house, but a fantastic house. My dream house. Cash. Without discussing it with me. Just to make me happy.”
“Yes. That’s the long and short of it. “
“Are you crazy?”
“Nicole, be serious. The house is perfect for you. You love the house. I love you. You couldn’t counteroffer. I stepped in. To make you happy.”
Silence. He hung his head. She wasn’t happy. She wasn’t happy with him. He ate, not because he was hungry, but to crunch away the silence. Salad done, he glanced toward her to see, of all things, a faint smile.
“You’re not angry with me?”
“Oh, yes, I am,” she said softly. “You should’ve told me. And just because I couldn’t make a counteroffer, that doesn’t mean you need to assume the whole expense. I’ll write you a check when we get home. I don’t like surprises, really, shocks in this case. But, Richard, that was an incredibly sweet and generous thing for you to do.”
“In that case, in the spirit of full disclosure, I need to tell you something else, Love. We move in tomorrow.”
She let out a scream and hugged him, kissed him, crying, laughing, sniffling, and in shock. Richard smiled. Mission accomplished.

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