Tuesday, April 16, 2024

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Shards of Faith by Cherime MacFarlane


Amazon Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Shards-Faith-Tundra-Inspirational-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CZJFJ1HK


Andy is an ex-military man with PTSD and daddy issues. He took the unpaid position of caretaker for Nadia's property because he had to get away from people. A fly-in lodge in eastern Alaska on the slopes of the Wrangell-Saint Elias range is about as far from people as you can get. He falls in love with the peace and hoped to convince Nadia to allow him to stay on in any position he can get. Pastor Jim found the job for him and Andy needs to talk with the pastor to run his idea by someone with Nadia's interests at heart. Instead of Pastor Jim, he has a conversation with a missionary who goes up and down the Yukon River in summer, ministering to the villages. 
"I had Pastor Jim’s phone number; I’d checked. Not that I’d used it before. But there was a first time for everything. I needed someone removed from it all to tell me if I was going overboard or not. 

I punched it in. 

“Hello, there. If you're looking for Jim, this ain’t him. What can I relay?”

That took me back a couple of paces. “Ah, is he available?”

“At the moment, he’s up to his ankles in moose guts.”

“Not a bad place to be if you shot it instead of hit it with a vehicle.”

“Shot it fair and square.”

“Em, find out who it is.” I heard Pastor Jim call out.


“Junie, hun. Why don’t you go grab that hind hoof for him?” Em asked.

“Ha. If I do, maybe there won’t be any backstrap for you when we get back to camp.”

June and Em? I had a suspicion I knew who had answered the phone. 

“Might this be the Reverend Emile Hite?”

“Good guess, son. Who are you? We should probably tell Jim.”

“Andy Andrews, the man helping Mrs. Rosskopff out.”

“Well, we should be back at camp in a couple of hours, you can call back then.”

“Reverend Hite, if it’s all the same to you, maybe you can answer my question. I listened to your podcast about being in the wilderness.”

“First off, Rev Em will do. Did you get anything from that?”

“Yes, Reverend, er, Rev Em, I did. I need to know if I’m getting a little out of line, and I’m sure you can help with that.”

“Okay. Hang on a minute. Hey, Jim. Not to worry, I’m going to handle this one for you. Tell me, Andy, what’s on your mind?”

I laid it out. What I hoped to do and why. Explaining that it would help both Mrs. Rosskopff and me. He listened without asking questions until I finished.

“Sounds as if you thought this through. If the lady in question is good with it, I don’t see any impediments. There may be one caveat. She needs help to keep the business going and you need to stay out of the city. Providing you don’t dive off into something detrimental to you both, it sounds like a win-win.”

“Detrimental to us both? I don’t follow.”

He laughed. “Let’s see. You’re a man and she’s a woman. A widow with a child and she will probably feel lonely, vulnerable. You get the picture?”

“Ah. Yes, sir. I do. But I’m not about to push on her. I’ve got enough hassles of my own. I figured to build myself a separate place to stay and there are cabins here which I can use until I get something knocked together.”

“I asked to see what you would say. If you won’t try to take advantage, there’s no reason I can see to stop you two from trying a partnership. I want a promise from you.”


“No dropping the woman flat if she doesn’t like the way things are going. Furthermore, no attempting to get into her bed for scratching that infernal itch. You know the one I mean.”

“Yes, sir. I do know that one. I’ve been a victim of it a time or two. You have my word, Rev Em. On my honor, and I have some, I swear to abide by my word to you.”

“Good man. I’ll let Jim follow up with you on that. Now, I’ve got to help these two with that moose or they won’t feed me. Bye, son, don’t forget.”

The connection vanished, along with the Reverend Emile Hite. I wanted to meet the man." 



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