Cherime MacFarlane
(I am camera-shy. This is the best of a bad lot.)
Good morning, Cherime! Welcome to Vision and Verse, the Place for Art and Authors. I am delighted to have a chance to talk to you this morning about your books and the writing process. Tell us a little about yourself and what you've written.

I've written:
What is your favorite genre to write?
Romance but I do tend to look at things from both the male and female viewpoint. I was my father's oldest son. I understand men as well as women. The Copper River Romance series is set in a rural area of Alaska. The population there is an odd mix of cultures. I really like exploring that dynamic and how it affects the people living there.
Tea or coffee?
Both, but two cups of New Orleans coffee and chicory is my main morning drink. The rest of the day is for tea.

Where would you like to visit?
I want to go back to Scotland.
Pizza or ice cream?
Ice cream, butter pecan.
Favorite food.
Chocolate anything.
Favorite musical artist. Do you listen to music when you write? What?
Robert Plant. I listen to hot country, rock and heavy metal. It depends on my mood.
What makes you laugh?
Just about anything. I laughed my self silly over Jeff Foxworthy's "You're An Alaskan If".

How old were you when you started writing?
I was telling stories and acting out scenarios for as long as I can recall. I was always the action figure; my little sister was the side kick. I began writing stories down in junior high school.
Describe your perfect evening. It would be relaxing with a nice dark beer or a shot of good Scotch in ginger ale. I enjoy listening to music while either reading a good book or working on a book.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration comes from odd sources sometimes. It has come from things which have happened in my life or the lives of others. A couple of times inspiration came from song lyrics. Often it comes from dreams that are not quite dreams as I am not quite asleep when they happen.

I don't often have writer's block. If the words are not flowing easily I will read or go break some speed limits out on the road. I like driving fast. I commuted 130 miles to work over snow and ice covered roads for over 30 years. In Alaska if you are driving under 70 mph get into the slow lane and let everyone else go by, snow or no snow.
Who is your favorite author?
Anne McCaffrey, I have read everything she wrote twice.
Best book you ever read.
Crystal Singer
Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?
My father, Forrest Lundin. He was an encourager. He told me I could do anything I wanted to do. Then he taught me about levers and how to use them.
If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?
Robert the Bruce of Scotland. I want to know all the gory details of what really happened.
What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? Do not turn down an opportunity to try something you have never done. Experience what life has to offer. Even if it turns out badly, it might find its way into a book someday. As they say in flying "any landing you walk away from is a good one".
Do you have a link for us to follow you?
Cougar HuntComing in January, 2014. The last of the Jones boys from the Copper Basin is the youngest, Joe Friday Jones. The woman he wants is not cooperating. She has issues that are tearing her up. JF keeps trying to be there for her. It does not help that Linda is older and feels he is a kid. Linda's high risk behavior is hurting them both. JF wants her healed and whole. But will it cost him the only woman he has ever wanted?
Thank you, Cherime, for being with us this morning and sharing a little about your life and your work. You are an inspiration to all of us. Please come back and see us again!
Thanks for having me.