Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thoughts on Christmas by D.G. Kaye

Thoughts on Christmas
by D.G. Kaye

I love Christmas. I always have since I was a small child. The fascination began with the beautiful decorations and the presentspeople received and gave. As I grew older, I began to love it for the good spirit it seemed to evoke in many people in the festive season, and a time for bonding with friends and family.
I grew up raised as a Jew. We didn’t celebrate Christmas as children, yet I wanted so badly to share in the joy. 

Because we weren’t religious or hardly practicing Jews, I decided at the age of ten to make my younger siblings believe in the magic of Christmas and Santa. I took my allowance to the variety store and bought candies for all three of them, and when Christmas Eve approached, I hung stockings for them on our fireplace and placed the candies inside. I did this for a few years, and for those few years, they really believed there was a Santa and were so excited that he visited our home.

When I moved out on my own at eighteen, my homes were never without a Christmas tree. Later, I married a Catholic man and happily, Christmas became an important part of my life.

Amazon Link to D.G. Kaye's book:

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