Monday, December 7, 2015

Josey's Christmas Cookie by Sharon Kleve

 A Lovable Story!
By D. L.

I loved this heartwarming Christmas story.
Josey was a workaholic who spent all her spare time at the office in order to cope with the tragic loss of her parents and being jilted by her fiance. I really felt for her.
Clint was a handsome veterinarian Josey met at an animal rescue event who helped her buy a large slobbering dog named Cookie. Clint handled the animals with professionalism, sincerity, and great care.
The two Morning Dove's in the story, Harry and Beatrice, were desperate to see Josey and Clint get together in time for Christmas.
If you enjoy sweet plots, whimsical animal themes, and stories that make you go "aaawww" this one's for you.
Highly entertaining, highly recommended!

From the Author

I'm asked on a regular basis why I have some sort of animal in every one of my books. It is simple...I love animals and I love writing about them. It doesn't matter what kind, shape, or size. I love them all!

Throughout my life I've had dogs, birds, frogs, lizards, rabbits and of course precious cats. My husband and I have a dozen bird feeders, two water fountains and multiple yard-art fixtures that we put food and water in for the critters.

Several years ago our cat of fifteen years passed away and we were going to wait awhile before getting another one but as the days went on we missed having a cat. It was during the winter so there weren't any kittens available. I searched all the shelters and saw pictures of an eight-month-old female, shorthair cat.

When we picked up Ardy from the Bremerton, WA PAWS, they said we'd never be able to pick her up or touch her. She'd been abused. My husband played with her and instantly fell in love. We took her home and after many months of special care, she loves to be held. We laugh because she likes it so much she won't let you put her down.

All animals deserve a little time, patience and a good loving home.

PAWS is a wonderful organization.  To volunteer your time or donate: you can contact them at

Buy Link:


  1. Thank you, Carol for featuring Josey's Christmas Cookie on your blog. You are a wonderful host.

    happy holidays!

