When Dr. Brook Wilson agreed to take on celebrity Italian race car driver Jason Maxwell, known as "The Baslicato," as her patient, little did she realize their relationship would turn her calm, pleasant, well-ordered life upside down, sending her off on dangerous adventures in southern Italy and northern Ohio. As she prepares him for his big race, she must deal with his demented wife while driving her boyfriend, Dr, Garrett MacEgan into acts of criminal desperation in a attempt to hold on to her.
When tall, handsome British actor Richard MacKenzie wakes up in the hospital after an accident, he discovers he's a short Italian race car driver named Jason Maxwell, known as THE BASLICATO.
Amazon Buy Link: http://tinyurl.com/kd8ymgm
Reviewed in the United States
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I have read more than a couple of Carol Ann Kauffman's Time after Time novels as well as others written by this author. She really knows how to write twists and turns into all her novels! This one really had me glued to the pages.
Brook recognizes Richard even though he is now in the body of the famous race car drive known as the Baslicato--but does not really believe her intuition. She agrees to help him heal so that he can ultimately drive in a major race in Italy. What goes on---well I can't tell you without giving away the story---Will these lover's ever find each other in another time and have a happy ending?
I really never saw this ending coming and it had me in tears!
Any of Carol Ann Kauffman's novel are a must read in my opinion!
Reviewed in the United States
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I really like the premise of Kauffman's Time after Time series... the same couple reincarnated in different time periods and places and always going through hell to be together. It makes their love-at-first-site thing more believable and acceptable than other books. Plus the fact that Richard/Jason is such a smoothe talker (haha)!
I can't really explain it but it seems like the author really enjoys writing these books when you read them. The writing and editing are really good and what's interesting is that while the book feels like a 'light read' it's quite heavy on plot - a lot of different things happen and nothing feels like filler. There are many different characters and as you get further in and realise it isn't just a simple romance after all, you get more and more hooked. The dialogue is really sweet at times and the book doesn't rely on sex every ten seconds.
This is the second Time after Time book I have read and I will be reading more, I might have to read the actual first one next. Would recommend to anyone who wants a romance that is a bit different and without tons of smut.
Reviewed in the United States
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A little tough to read book three of a series first. It was a little confusing at the beginning but the story stepped up and made the journey well worth my stumble. I have always considered that some relationships are just meant to be no matter how hard the characters try to avoid it. This book gives me hope and is a darn good story too.
Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2016
These Stories of Richard and Nicole are remarkable! Each one is more exciting then the other. It amazes me how they keep finding each other and at least one of them knows who they really are. Carol Ann Kauffman has such a way to bring these two together in such an unusual way.
Richard accidentality ended up in a kidnapped race car drivers body. The doctor who walked into his room, her name was Brook, but Richard knew it was Nicole. His Nicole! Head trauma said the doctor, but I can fix him with some time. But Richard didn't have time. There were people out to kill him. So his Father wanted to take him back to is home in Italy and have the doctor come with them. The head of her hospital didn't want her to go.
More than once someone tried to take their lives. When Nicole returned to America, her long time companion wanted to marry her and she said no. You see, by now she knew who Richard is. Without giving anything away, you go through many attempts on their lives and you will be surprised who is doing it. Trips back and forth from America to Italy, with adventure in both countries. Nicole does leave the States to live in Italy and open her own hospital. But that's not where it ends!
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