Thursday, September 2, 2021

NEWS FROM CAROL: Have You Heard of Vella?

Dear Gentle Readers,

Have you heard of Vella? It’s a new way of incorporating reading into your daily life, one episode at a time.

The biggest reason most people give for not reading is they don't have the time to read a long book. Some people shy away from big, heavy books because it feels too much like a commitment.

Vella has solved that problem for you. They are bringing you new and exciting stories from their popular kindle authors in easy to fit-into-your-schedule episodes.

One of the books I chose to make available on Vella is a romantic action adventure story called Raymond Layton, Man of Mystery. All ten episodes of the story are uploaded and available to readers now.
More on the mysterious Raymond later.

I don't know if readers will embrace this new reading 'mini-bite' format or not. I can see people who have little chunks of wait time in their day filling those voids with episodic reading. Airports. Doctors' offices. Waiting for your child's turn at sporting activities. I can see snuggling up on the couch with my kindle and treating these stories like a bag of cookies. "I'll just have two with this nice cup of tea." Yeah, right. I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

Stay safe and go read an episode,




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