Wednesday, February 8, 2023

INTERVIEW: Poet and Animal Rights Activist Author Vikki Koplick

Vikki Koplick 


NSW  Australia



Good morning, Vikki, and welcome to Vision and Verse.

What have you written?

Sacred Animal Activism: A mission of love for animals 

Ebook and POD 

A memoir about my spiritual journey to become an Energy healer for Pets. Interesting facts about animal chakras and my healing method. I ask the question can our soul help us understand how to stay in peace around our own and humanity’s relationship with animals even when cruelty triggers us.


The Soul whispers Poetry ebook 

Fifty-six inspiration poems about our personal and interpersonal relationship with animals, nature, the self and devotional. The first book in a series, this one being themed deeper connection and the nuisances of forgiveness. 

Many emotions fly through our relationships when we make connections. Forgiveness is a necessary part of keeping relationships strong even with the self. These poems are written to support souls awakening to their own journey of self realisation and empowerment. 

The Soul whispers Poetry 2 is finished in the final edits before publishing. It is themed unconditional love, peace and joy. Poetry that offers relationship healing for us with nature, the self and the universe. 


What is your favorite genre to write?

Animal Rights and Inspirational / religious Poetry but they would also be classed as Self help in a sub- genre 

Favorite food.

Hot Chips 

Tea or coffee?


Pizza or ice cream?

That’s a hard one. Now Gluten free versions of both are available . Pizza is the winner. 

Wine or beer or soda or what?


Where would you like to visit? 

New Zealand, one of Australia’s closest destinations 

Favorite musical artist.  

At the moment Kirtana 

Do you listen to music when you write?  What? 

A mixture of spiritual kirtan, chants and 70s / 80s rock 

What makes you laugh?

A good comedy movie or cartoons. I love The Simpsons

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

I don’t really have a favorite work of art or sculpture. I like realism and don’t like abstract art at all. 

Two of favourite paintings would be Michael Angelo’s Sistine Chapel

A Walk in the Park by Victor Borisov


How old were you when you started writing?

I wrote my first poems as a teen but I didn’t keep them. I was in my mid 50s when I wrote again and published my first few poems and two books .

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write? 

I just wrote my book in free flow like a diary of what I wanted to include. With no plan and it developed during the many edits and rewrites. 

The poems came during emotional moments and I heard them like songs which I later edit  into themes for the book. I feel it is my soul, higher self who is the poet and I do the editing. Sometimes I ask for a theme poem and a few days later I will hear the little rhyming in my head. I wait until it starts to sound more like a poem on repeat then I feel like I capture it more than write it.


Describe your perfect evening.

Someone else cooks dinner and we watch a new release  movie on our huge TV. I get a cup of tea made and I don’t have to wash up. Hanging out with my dogs, cat, hubby and maybe the grown kids are over for a visit. Lots of good food, company, laughs and noise. 

Where do you get your inspiration? 

From spiritual masters, their teachings and my own experiences. From reading other spiritual book, giving and receiving hundreds of energy healings in the last ten years. 

The future of my children’s life and my love for animals drives my passion to want to make a difference using holistic tools I have learned over the last thirty years particularly in the last ten years to help where I can. 

What do you do when you get a writer's block?

Forget about writing by doing some editing of what I have done already. There are endless details to see to when writing a book. Sometimes reading over the other parts of the manuscript inspires the next bit.  

Who is your favorite author? 

Toss up between Eckhart Tolle and James Redfield 

Best book you ever read.

The Celestine Prophecy 

Last book you read. 

The New Earth by Eckhart 

Twelfth Insight by James Redfield 

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer? 

Writing so far is a hobby and part of my spiritual mission to heal humanity’s relationship with animals. I was an Enrolled nurse until my 40s where I retired due to arthritis and sort holistic treatments. I became an Energy healer for people and pets which is also a hobby for now. I am 60 this year so I figure I am keeping a promise I made my younger self to save the animals. You see I wanted to be a poet and a Vet when I was a kid so these books are living my bucket list. 

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?

 I would say my husband, his love and support created a foundation for my creativity. Like many couples our first years were full of passion, arguments, compromise and kids. We have been together since 1987 luckily we have grown together and accept each other for who we really are. No pretense just honest connection and family. We have things we do together but also hobbies and interests of our own. 

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?

Saint Francis because he saw animals as our brothers and sisters like I do. I wonder what he would think about my work as an Energy healer for pets and my book Sacred Animal Activism. Although I do feel connected to him through his prayer and his journey. 

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Be patient and support yourself through every stage and don’t expect anyone else to be as excited as you are by every step. Edit, read, rewrite, edit, read and then get help with structure editing. Read, rewrite, edit and finally getting a professional copyedit before publishing. 

There is a third way to self publish besides vanity, do it all yourself, its use a independent publishing services to help you self publish professionally and its cheaper than vanity and author keeps the copyright. Book cover, design book, upload on platforms and one dashboard, the biggest plus is not dealing with all the platforms yourself.   

Do you have some links for us to follow you?

Author Website 

Order books here

Amazon Australia



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