Wednesday, June 28, 2023

INTERVIEW: Historical Fiction/Fantasy Author Mariella Hunt


Mariella Hunt
Boise, Idaho 

Good morning, Mariella, and welcome to Vision and Verse. I am thrilled that you’re here . I LOVE The Sea Rose. It’s a fantastic story that grabs you, heart and soul. Tell us a little about what  you’ve written.
The honest answer is that I learn what I am writing, and what I have written, as I go. The basic plot for The Sea Rose has been taking root in my imagination for several years–the idea of a place where Merpeople are real but not accepted, where they are set aside rather than revered as classic mythology implies.
The draft you can find on Vella is a very recent version of that concept. Characters that were alive in the first story-breath are now deceased; other characters I was convinced would be antagonists, now trigger a great deal of sympathy. I root for them.
I’m not sure what I’ve written, but I do know it’ll go on for a while.
What is your favorite genre to write?
I am no longer capable of writing anything in the present day. I can’t say why; perhaps it’s the wave of technology? Cell phones and live-stream make it difficult for me to write compelling mysteries and create adequate tension.
With historical fiction/fantasy, I am able to play around in a world that did exist at one point. The Regency era being fascinating–and popular, because of authors like Jane Austen–I need only add a bit of magic, a bit of the unknown, and it becomes addictive. One day, I might try historical fiction without fantasy, but I don’t see it happening in the near future.  

Favorite food.
Peruvian food! My mama is from Peru and she knows how to prepare the most wonderful dishes. They vary from stews to seafood to mouth-watering desserts.
Lately, I’ve been enjoying ‘simple’ meals as well–salad, fruit, fish. I hope to find some interesting recipes to play around and find new favorites.

Tea or coffee?

Both, but coffee is the one I actually need in order to function. If there’s no coffee in the morning, I have a headache for most of the day, and lack severely in creativity. However, tea is my nighttime drink. I particularly enjoy orange-flavored tea and chamomile!

Pizza or ice cream?
Nothing beats a perfect scoop of ice cream! I like chocolate, but also fruity flavors like raspberry.

Wine or beer or soda or what?
Water! Perhaps it’s because of the Mermaid stories; I always need a good amount of water within reach, no matter where I go. I tried pink wine in Paris and liked it, but it definitely is not something I’d make a habit of drinking.

Where would you like to visit?
I would return to Paris and London. Nine days are not enough to see all of the great places in those cities!

Favorite musical artist.  
The Lumineers! I saw them live this year in July. Their music has always been an important part of my life.

Do to music when you write?  What?       
The Lumineers! –and other instrumental music, usually acoustic, and since I’m not adventurous, I tend to hear the same songs I’ve enjoyed for the past 6 years.

What makes you laugh?
A well-written, awkward moment in a romance novel. Some of those have made me cry good tears. I can’t think of any specific books, otherwise I would make recommendations. But awkward romance is definitely fun to read!

Favorite work of art or sculpture.
This is such a hard question! My grandma loved art and gave me a lot of nice coffee-table art books, the sorts with glossy pages that smell nice. Perhaps the Mona Lisa, because her history is epic. Someone stole her from the Louvre and got away with it for a very long time. I’ve been fascinated enough by that to blog about that!

How old were you when you started writing?
The answer to this is vague. I know that, the first time I wrote a story, I was small enough to hide under the table with a Lisa Frank notebook. I knew I was doing something important and didn’t want anyone to look over my shoulder. Perhaps I was 6-8? The story is long gone, but that memory is fresh in my mind.

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write?

I cannot outline. Usually I take a concept and go with it. I find a lot of surprises on the way, and it feels like I am living the narrative along with my characters!

Describe your perfect evening.
Autumn. A scent of chill and pine-cones in the air. Freshly-made coffee, steam dancing from the surface. A good book (or ebook) to carry me off. My dog sitting on my feet.

Where do you get your inspiration?
I am inspired by the idea of having a shelf of books written by me. I am also inspired when someone tells me they enjoyed my story. Even one compliment of that nature is enough to make me keep writing!

What do you do when you get a writer's block?
I focus on the word count instead of the story. Usually when I reach my number goal, I’ve managed to write something interesting in the process.      

Who is your favorite author?
Charles Dickens is my favorite classic author (I’ve been to his house in London! It was fascinating.) I have yet to find a single living author I could call my favorite; there are so many that I can’t settle on one.

Best book you ever read.

I’ll say the book I have enjoyed most was Pride and Prejudice, probably because it’s the one I took to London with me, so it has special significance.

Last book you read.
Guided by Emma Smith. It’s a mystery and a page-turner; the characters are well formed, and that cover is such a gorgeous purple!

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer?
I would probably be a bookseller! That must be fun, helping people find their next favorite read, perhaps one that’ll carry them away from a difficult time. Editing for other people could be interesting, too.

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?
My family is a wonderful source of support. My beautiful mother always has a hug when I need it, my dad works at a bookstore (which is probably why I love them so much!) and my brother is the biggest dork out there. That’s a good thing!

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?
Can you imagine having a conversation with the late Queen Elizabeth II? I would love to pick her brain, just for a few minutes.

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer?

Your work will get better. Keep going. And try not to be envious of other writers–the journey is easier when you accept where you are on the path, and keep friends on the way.

Do you have some links for us to follow you?

Twitter-  Profile / Twitter

Instagram:  Mariella Hunt (@mariellahunt) • Instagram photos and videos

Facebook page:  Mariella Hunt (Author) | Facebook

Link  to my Vella:  The Sea Rose + Groundwater | Kindle Vella (

Linktree:  Mariellahunt | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

Blog:  Mariella Hunt – author & ghostwriter



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