Thursday, April 11, 2024

TV TIME: Space Wars: Quest For the Deepstar (Prime)

 Well, guys, I am running out of decent films and series to review.  This week has been especially hard for me to find something really, really good. 

So, this week I am moving down to the B team, so to speak. 
Case in point: Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar. 

A family unit of three flys around the galaxy looking for adventure. The mother dies and the father pays all the intergalactic credits he has to turn his deceased wife into some blue stuff called “essence”, which can be introduced into a synthetic body so that Mom can be alive again.

Now daddy and daughter have to earn enough money to buy one of these synthetic bodies, so they steal a valuable coin. Soon, the bad guys are chasing them all over the galaxy. 



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1 comment:

  1. Dear Gentle Readers,
    Foe some unknown Blogspot reason, I have lost the ability to comment as your Vision and Verse Administrator. In the big scope of things happening around the world today, that is no big deal. But know I am here.
