Wednesday, May 15, 2024

INTERVIEW: Humorous British Author Anthony Randall


Anthony Randall
Dorchester, Dorset

Good morning, Anthony, and welcome to Vision and Verse. What have you written?

Five self-published novels to date: The English Sombrero, volume’s one and two. A comedy series about the trials and tribulations of multi-millionaire, chain smoking, alcoholic, gambling, fast-food junkie, car salesman, and modern day avenger, Don Simmons.

Tales of Tucson volume one. Anecdotal semi biographical account of two years of sex & drugs & rock & roll in the USA, in the late 80’s.

The Fridge Magnet. A private detective thriller-Mystery, on the case of a missing child, set in the Algarve and Amsterdam.

White Avenging Rose. An alternative reality of the current Ukraine/Russo war.

One short story, Colin and Sandy, about a man obsessed with his satnav, published in a charity anthology called You’re not alone.

What is your favorite genre to write? 


Favorite food.

Dover sole    

Tea or coffee? 


Pizza or ice cream? 


Wine or beer or soda or what? 

Beer or Cider

Where would you like to visit? 

So many places, Peru, Costa Rica, Grenada, St Kits, Egypt, Jordan, Tanzania, Mauritius, Maldives, Bali, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand,

Vancouver island, New England, Montana, Austria, Hungry, Romania, Croatia, Rome, Lake Como, Bavaria...

Favorite musical artist. 

Too many to mention, at the moment I really like Olivia Dean and Raye.

Do you listen to music when you write? What? 

No, but I also write music.

What makes you laugh? 

A ton of things, I love comedy and comedians. I can see the funny side of most things.

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

Not a particular piece, but I truly appreciate a painting which captures an almost photographic image of a subject, or the feeling of the moment. That is tallent for me.

How old were you when you started writing? 

I have been writing poems and song lyrics since I was fifteen, but novels only for twenty-two years.

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write? 

For my own stuff I make notes, but when I write with my co-author Doug Goddard, he sends me the handwritten scrawl of the skeleton of a novel, and I turn it into a book.

Describe your perfect evening. 

To be applauded off stage at some exotic outdoor location, after performing with a group of excellent musicians. Then, chauffeur driven in a limousine to a private beach bar, to sit in a lounger, beside my wife, sipping cocktails whilst listening to a light surf gently lapping at the shore, before wandering off to our beach hut for the night.

Where do you get your inspiration? 

Day dreams usually. I don’t always need quiet and solitude, I could be busy, or driving or in the shower. Random thoughts occur quite often in my day. Also night dreams. I’ve had whole movies played out in my dreams, plenty of original songs as well.

What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

I’ve never had that to date, thankfully. It’s the lack of time that inhibits me. I still have a day job.

Who is your favorite author? 

Julian May.

Best book you ever read. 

For fiction, I should probably say Intervention, by Julian May, but something that really wowed me recently was The first 15 lives of Harry August, by Claire North. An excellent novel by a brilliant author. For non-fiction, it would have to be The Animal Contract, by Desmond Morris, it literally changed my life and I encourage everybody on the planet to read it.

Last book you read. 

Eminence, by Keith A Pearson.

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer?

 Well, I’m a roofer, that’s where I earn a living, writing is just an expensive hobby right now. Hope springs eternal though. 

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?

 It has to be my wife. After 27 years of marriage, she must have rubbed off on me a bit.

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

David Attenborough, for obvious reasons, but a very close second would be Desmond Morris.

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Prepare to be in it for the long haul. This thing takes an enormous amount of your time, effort and tenacity.

Do you have some social media links for us to follow you?



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