Wednesday, June 26, 2024

INTERVIEW: Historical Romance Author KD Sherrinford


KD Sherrinford
Fylde Coast, North of England

Good morning, KD, and welcome to Vision and Verse. We are thrilled to have you with us this morning.  I know I have bunch of Sherlock Holmes fans in here. Can you tell us a little about what you’ve written?

I wrote three books in The Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler mysteries. My debut novel, " Song for Someone", is a Finalist at The Chanticleer International Book Awards for Romantic Fiction-The Chatelaine. The trilogy also includes Christmas at The Saporis and Meet Me in Milan, which are Shortlisted at The CIBA 's Series Book Awards for Genre Fiction.  The series' fourth book, Nicco Sapori's Abduction, is a WIP. i am also working on a historical romance.

Last year, I wrote a short, cosy present-day mystery, " A Bit of a Do," which is included in Marla Bradeen's marvellous Limited Edition Anthology, Malice, Murder and Matrimony, 25 original stories from International authors. I feel proud to be a part of that wonderful collection.

What is your favorite genre to write? 
My favourite genre to write about is historical romance and suspense.

What is your favorite food?
My favourite food is Salmon or steak with a nice stir fry or a good curry.

Tea or coffee?
Being from England, I assume it’s tea. 
No. Coffee all day long. I don't like tea.

Pizza or ice cream?

Beer, wine, soda, or what? 
Red wine 

Where would you like to visit? 
I  always wanted to visit The Brill Building in New York. I would love to go to Italy, visit the places outlined in my books Fiesole and Milan, and catch an opera at the prestigious La Scala opera house.

Italy is fabulous. Go. Go now! I have been inside the LaScala opera house when it is empty and it is breathtakingly beautiful. Who is your favorite musical artist? 
Fav musical artist, there are so many, I love a broad base of music, but i like the Jazz singers, Im a sucker for anyone who plays the piano. Sedaka and his work from the seventies and eighties when he collaborated with Phil Cody. It was amazing stuff and an exciting time for the singer-songwriter.

Do you listen to music when you write? 
Although I love music, I don't listen to anything when writing; it's distracting.

I feel the same way. I need silence. Do you prefer comedy or drama? 
I like a good comedy; the series Benidorm was hysterical, and there were so many great actors with impeccable comic timing. They should bring it back.

This is an Art AND Author website, so I am obligated to ask: what is your favorite work of art? 
My favourite work of art is The Mona Lisa, I would love to know what going on behind that smile.

At what age did you begin to write?
I was 62 when I started writing professionally.

Are you a planner with outlines and index cards? Or are you a pantser?
Because my books are Historical Fiction, a fair bit of research was required for each one, so some outlining was needed. However, I am a panster writer and prefer to let my characters take me where they need to go.

Describe KD Sherrinford’s perfect evening.
A perfect evening for me is watching Netflix with my husband, John, with a nice glass of red wine. No adverts, no interruption, and with the phone  switched off.

Who is the one person who has inspired you the most? 
My daughter Katie inspired me to write my debut novel after a visit to the Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. 

I remember having a discussion afterwards with a group of friends. I mentioned that I had waited years for someone to write a pastiche about the world-famous detective and The Woman; authors mainly hinted at it without exploring its depths and endless possibilities. 

So, encouraged by my daughter, I decided to start to work on my adaptation. it took me over two years to work 6-8 hours daily. So much heart, love and inspiration went into that book, and I'm very proud of it, although I am amazed at how popular it has been with fans who seem to love the dynamics between Sherlock and Irene. 

The critics liked it, too; they described Song for Someone as an evocative masterpiece that stands out in Contemporary literature.
I shall die a happy woman!



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