Wednesday, June 19, 2024

INTERVIEW: Romantic Suspense Author T. Wells Brown

T. Wells Brown

Mobile, Alabama



Welcome to Vision and Verse, Terry. We’re happy to have you here with us this morning. What have you written? 

My Romantic Suspense (and most popular) series is Women of Wine Country; Murder & Mayhem, Lawyer & Liar, Beauty & Betrayal, Babies & Badass, Grief & Greed and lastly, Lawyer & Lace.

My newsest series Sisters of Sin (Sexy Thrillers) is a shared world in which I currently have 2 books: Vanity and Wrath.

Earth Magic is my Urban Fantasy series with The Last Witch (three more books will release this year in this series)

I write for a community magazine, Indie Author Magazine and am the content coordinator for Indie Author Magazine.

What is your favorite genre to write?   

Steamy thrillers

Favorite food. 

Anything potato 

Tea or coffee? 


Pizza or ice cream? 

I can’t eat much fat so I would do a sorbet.

Wine or beer or soda or what? 

Wine and water 

Where would you like to visit? 


Favorite musical artist.  

Taylor Swift - Gwen Steffani

Do you listen to music when you write? 



Musical version of top charts (no lyrics)

What makes you laugh? 

People. I love to people watch. 

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 

Anything given to my by a child

How old were you when you started writing?


Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards?

I plan my book by chapter and then write way off script. 

Describe your perfect evening.

A lovely dinner and then hanging around a fire with my handsome husband and furbabies, all the while watching the forest to make sure nothing unwanted emerges. 

Where do you get your inspiration? 

Life - magic is all around us.

What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

Watch a movie or read a book.

Who is your favorite author? 

Kristen Ashley

Best book you ever read. 

Mystery Man

Last book you read. 

Craig Martelle’s The Operator

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer? 

Public Servant 

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why? 

My husband has afforded me the ability to dive into big hard and scary things…because I know he always has my back. If I have 20 more years with him…it won’t be enough time. 

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

My mother. She never knew that 3 of her great granddaughters were born with her beautiful red hair or that her daughter pursued her (my mother’s) dream of being a published author. 

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

Write. Read. Write. Read - start a newsletter before your first book is published. Never stop promoting your newsletter. Consume any and all writing courses you can find. 

Do you have some links for us to follow you?








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