Tuesday, June 18, 2024

BOOK PROMOTION: Searching for Ascension by Rebecca S. Nieminen

About the Book:

Do you long for a kinder, more enlightened world? In Searching for Ascension, writer/photographer Rebecca S. Nieminen blends words and images in a heartfelt quest for beauty, justice, truth, and wisdom. Her ethereal photographs inspire and delight, while her candid and tender poetry encourages reflection on the human condition. Within these pages readers will discover a sensitive and courageous soul in pursuit of hope and meaning in an often troubled world.

Buy Link:

https://www.blurb.com/b/11991170-searching-for-ascension (purchase link)

Poem about the solar eclipse

I didn't expect to cry
I knew it would get dark
And I knew the animals would react
That’s what all the newscasters kept saying
But they didn’t say how it would feel
No, they didn’t say how it would feel
That was the day when time stood still
As the shy black moon slowly but surely
Covered the brilliant, colossal, intimidating sun
Oh, the strange silvery glow and slanting shadows
Sending shivers up my spine
And then, like a snuffed candle
The inky, incredible, ethereal hush of darkness
The landscape stretched before me
In fantastical, otherworldly hues
And right there, up above, somehow so close
Was that mighty life-giving star
Suddenly an intimate friend
Viewed through flimsy cardboard glasses
Or curious camera lenses, probing, snapping
The regal, royal, roaring sun
With all of its staggering secrets exposed
Its dazzling corona and red plasma flares
Slung outward from that thin, white
hypnotic disc
Time and breath suspended
And then the blinding flash of the diamond ring
A miracle too astonishing for words
In the distance people cheered
A dog barked and birds twittered
And somehow, some way, we were one
All of us, for just a little bit, united
Our differences forgotten, our malice lifted
All faces tilting upward, watching, wondering
Wide smiles, salty tears
The miracle of being human together
On this ancient and wise yet fragile earth
With its life-giving sun and mutable moon
Remember how it felt that day, never forget it
This life, it is sacred, how can you doubt it?
We are all connected
How can you not know it?
I wasn’t expecting to cry
© Rebecca S. Nieminen

(In memory of the solar eclipse, April 8, 2024)



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