Thursday, March 20, 2025

TV TIME: Monsieur Spade (Netflix)


Monsieur Spade with Clive Owen and wonderful Louise Bourgoin (from The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc Sec) got some terrible reviews. They said it was disjointed and poorly written. They complained Sam didn’t do his own investigating. Give him a break! He is retired in this series. 

In this film, Sam Spade is now 60+ years old. He has been in France since delivering a deceased personal friend’s child to a convent school in France. 

While he was there, Sam meets a wealthy, attractive woman, marries, and settles down in a remote little French village. 

When the mini-series begins, Sam is a widower with emphysema from his two-pack-a-day smoking habit. 

The French countryside scenery and the winding streets in the old stone village nearby are lovely, the music is exceptional, and Clive Owens is Sam Spade at his best. He has a modern, cool Bogey vibe. 

I liked it. 



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