Alexis Allinson
Orillia, Ontario Canada
Good morning, Alexis. Welcome to Vision and Verse, the place for Art and Authors. We're happy to have you with us this morning. What have you written?
I have authored “The Redemption of D.C. Hayes” and the “Dark Age of Bruce Mael”. Both are currently for sale through Amazon,, Barnes and Noble and several other outlets. The next book in the series is “Kindle: A Shadow of Youth” that will be released through Nocturnal Press Publications in July 2014.
I have authored “The Redemption of D.C. Hayes” and the “Dark Age of Bruce Mael”. Both are currently for sale through Amazon,, Barnes and Noble and several other outlets. The next book in the series is “Kindle: A Shadow of Youth” that will be released through Nocturnal Press Publications in July 2014.
What is your favorite genre to write?
I love writing in dark fantasy, but I'm working on my first young adult novel that is in the science-fiction/mythology category.
Sounds interesting. Favorite food.
Where would you like to visit?
I'd like to visit the world.
Favorite musical artist. Do you listen to music when you write? What?
I don't have a favorite artist, but my favorite musical piece is “The Music Box Dancer” by Frank Mills. What I listen to as I'm writing really varies as to what story I'm writing. While writing “Kindle: A Shadow of Youth” one song I listened to repeatedly to keep me in the mood of the story was called “Black Crows” by a group known as Dark Lotus.
What makes you laugh?
My husband and my children.
My husband and my children.
How old were you when you started writing?
I remember writing stories when I was about 3 years old and have been going ever since.
I remember writing stories when I was about 3 years old and have been going ever since.
Where do you get your inspiration?
My children and my spouse.
My children and my spouse.
What do you do when you get a writer's block?
It hasn't happened yet, so I'll let you know when it does.
It hasn't happened yet, so I'll let you know when it does.
Who is your favorite author?
I don't have a favorite author. I read a bit of everything.
I don't have a favorite author. I read a bit of everything.

A tough question. I don't think I have an ultimate favorite book.
Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?
My parents (although they are both gone) they gave me such amazing encouragement when they were raising me that I have never forgotten it.
If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?
I want to speak one on one with “God”. My reasons are personal, but the influence this being has had on mankind is part of why.
I want to speak one on one with “God”. My reasons are personal, but the influence this being has had on mankind is part of why.
What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? Go ahead and write. Not everything you write will be amazing and not everyone will love it, but it is an extension of you and you are important and need to leave the mark on the world.
A great and simple interview with a new author.