Tuesday, May 14, 2019

BOOK REVIEW: A Different Kind of Angel by Paulette Mahurin

Different Kind of Angel by Paulette Mahurin is the incredible story of Klara Gelfman, a Russian Jew fleeing to America after her family life is destroyed in 1881 by soldiers massacring Jews. Klara fled to America with her father for safety. Her father died on the way over. Alone and speaking no English, she got mugged and everything she had was stolen. From here, her story took a drastic turn for the worse. 

Well written and well researched, at times this story is very hard to read. It speaks to the courage and spirit of an individual to survive horrific conditions. 

It speaks of the evil things human beings do to other human beings. It speaks of powerful men and the measures they take to 'rid themselves' of women they no longer want.

Without giving away too much of the story, the Different Kind of Angel in the story is not poor Klara, but a young journalist who follows her into a truly dark and desperate world to expose the atrocities committed against these women.

This is not the first Paulette Mahurin book I’ve read.  His Name Was Ben was. This was the story of a couple who have cancer, met in chemotherapy and fell in love. Neither one of these books is my normal go-to read, but they are so well written and well researched that you get drawn into the story and need to know what happens to these characters to which you have grown.

Not always pleasant to read. Not always happy endings. There are tears. But they are both very good reads.

Amazon Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Different-Kind-Angel-Novel-ebook/dp/B07GZYXNR4/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=A+DIFFERENT+KIND+OF+ANGEL&qid=1556052208&s=digital-text&sr=1-1

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