Thursday, December 19, 2019

ART: The Van Briggle Pottery Museum, Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum in Colorado Springs, Colorado houses a 
very special pottery collection, the Van Briggle Pottery Museum. It is always a treat
to visit whenever we're in the Colorado Springs area. 

Artus Van Briggle was a potter who in his early years experimented with the various 
types of clay from the Colorado region. He combined the  most important features of 
the clay he liked best from the Georgia and Tennessee areas to create his own very 
special mix.

Next Artus made a plaster mold from the original clay piece. Then a liquid clay 
mixture was poured into the mold and left to hardened. 

The next step was to very carefully remove the now hardened clay piece, removing 
the seam lines and retouching the design. The clay piece was then ready to be fired 
in the kiln.

The Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum is free and open to the public. It is a 
gorgeous building with beautifully restored rooms. The courtroom is exceptionally 
well done. The Briggle Pottery Museum is just one of the many wonderful exhibits 
in museum. If you are in the area, please stop in for a delightful afternoon. of tracing 
the history this part of our wonderful country.

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