Saturday, May 30, 2020

NOTE : From Carol

Dear Gentle Readers,
When Parker Kaufman, Texas collage artist ( he was the Vision) and I (an Ohio author, who was the Verse) started Vision and Verse, I was told we would fail. Author posts, unless one is wildly successful or famous, are the second from the least popular of all blogposts. Art posts are the least popular.
Today we surpassed 250,000 pageviews. And no one is more surprised, more elated than I am that we hit the quarter of a million mark.
Parker left Vision and Verse to concentrate on his Art full time. And although I miss him terribly, I know he did the right thing when I see the fabulous artwork he turns out.
There were many times I was on the verge of signing off and closing down. Time constraints, techno-problems, criticism that my art posts were boring (well, they were), and the lack of willing interview participants all plagued me.
But something about Vision and Verse, the people I met, the artists and authors who inspired not only me but many of our gentle readers, the connections I made always drew me back. 
Today I am happy I didn’t quit.
So celebrate with me! 

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