Friday, May 12, 2023

BOOK: Red Sarah by Carol Ann Kauffman

Red Sarah was originally written as part of an anthology of stories written by the wonderful authors of Books To Go Now with the theme of red. The anthology was called Code:Redhead. All author royalties from the ebook for the first year, when most ebooks are sold, were donated to the Children's Cancer Fund.

Not only did each story have "red" in there something, there was also 
a touching dedication at the end of each story of how each of us has been touched by the horrible disease of cancer, either personally or the loss of a loved one.

Here is my dedication:




Cancer has touched all of our lives. Each of us knows someone, or loves someone, who has been affected by this horrible disease. My father, my mother, and myself have all had bouts with skin cancer. Luckily, with vigilance and a very good doctor, each instance was caught in time and dealt with effectively.


Not so with my favorite aunt, Aunt Rita. My Aunt Rita was the sweetest, most lovable person in the world. She was a beautiful person with a smile that lit up the room. When she married my uncle, she brought such happiness and joy into our family. Active in church and school events, working full time, she still had time to make each one of us feel special. (But I was her favorite.) She was the grounded member of a very volatile Italian family who could always remain calm and focused while the rest of the family was at fever pitch.


My aunt was stricken with breast cancer. But treatments back then were not as effective as they are today. She had surgery, post-surgical treatments like chemo, and a lengthy recuperation. It was a long, hard road for her. But she survived it. We all thought she was safe.

Then we heard those suffocatingly terrible words: It spread.


Our lives were forever changed with the loss of this sunbeam we called our Aunt Rita. When she left us, she took joy and laughter, sunshine and happiness with her. Our world lost its color and flavor.


I dedicate this short story, Red Sarah, to my beautiful aunt, Rita Chairmonte Latiano. I love you and I miss you. Hugs, Carol Ann.  



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