Wednesday, February 21, 2024

INTERVIEW: Fantasy Author Brett Comeau

Brett Comeau 


Good morning, Brett, and welcome to Vision and Verse.

What have you written?


My first novel was released Jan 15 the book is titled “Nameless 

Vs the Army of the Dead” Book one in the Nameless Saga. 


What is your favorite genre to write?


Fantasy, is my first love, I have several fantasy series that I am 

working on right now, I am beginning to think about 

experimenting and writing a Sci Fi series but my true love is 



Favorite food.


Cheeseburger and steak. 


Tea or coffee?

Tea, Coffee makes me sick. 


Pizza or ice cream?

Ice cream, I like a good slice of pizza, but I can’t have ice cream 

in my house lol because I would eat it all. 

You know, I think we could be friends. Wine or beer or soda?


Wine if I am having dinner with me wife, but Old Fashioned 

when I am relaxing. 


Where would you like to visit?

So many places, - Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and Australia 

are top of my list. 


Favorite musical artist.  

Aerosmith, I grew up one town over from where they came from

and I met the lead singer Stephen Tyler several times and he is a 

really cool guy. 


Do you listen to music when you write?  What?

I have gotten into two cellos right now I love popular rock music 

with a “classic feel” like two cellos. 


What makes you laugh?

So many things! There are many things that make me laugh. 

One character that makes me laugh is snoopy. I love him in the 

comic strip, (seeing him typing on a typewriter makes me laugh) 


Favorite work of art or sculpture.

I don’t really have a favorite piece of art, I have art styles I really

enjoy  Realism, realist landscapes are two of my favorite styles 


How old were you when you started writing?

I started out writing movie scripts, years ago with a partner, but 

realizing that it costs millions of dollars to produce a movie, I got 

into writing my first novel 18 months ago. 


Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just 


Planning and outlining is my thing! I always joke that I never get 

writers block during the first draft because I get all my writers 

block out of the way during the outlining phase. My outlines are 

usually anywhere from 80 to 100 pages before I start my first 



Describe your perfect evening.

Dinner with my wife, followed by writing after she goes to bed. 

She goes to bed early but I am a night owl. 


Where do you get your inspiration?

I get my inspiration from my ADHD brain, I call it my super 

power lol I think random thoughts all the time and I suddenly the 

random thoughts I was having suddenly becomes the idea for a 

cool story or a great addition to the story I am working on.  



What do you do when you get a writer's block?

I usually get writing block during the outline stage, I usually go 

practice martial arts Something about focusing on martial arts 

allows my brain to work in the background, that is where I cure 

my writers block. 


Who is your favorite author?

Stephen King, he had so many stories that I loved the 

gunslinger series is an example of an epic series of books that 

spanned my entire life. I love a lot of his books. 


Best book you ever read.

Tough call, Probably The Wizard and Glass by Stephen King, 

The book is my favorite book in my favorite series. 


Last book you read.

I am really into He who fights monsters series, It was my first 

experience in RPG Lit the author set up a “game system” 

universe that totally made sense. 


What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer?

I would love to be a super hero, but that is a hard gig to get 


Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the 

most and why?

As far a becoming an author my Mother, she gave me my love 

of reading which led me to becoming an author. 


If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, 

living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?

James Patterson, I’m not a huge fan of his books, but I am a 

HUGE fan of his writing process and Marketing Process. While 

Harry Potter is the biggest series of all time, But outside of Harry 

Potter JK Rowling hasn’t had a ton of success, James Patterson 

has over 100 best sellers! That is wild! I would love to sit and 

talk writing and marketing with him. 


What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a 


Be hard on your writing we live in a world with zero gatekeepers 

stopping us from publishing our book, but that means you have 

the responsibility to make sure the work you publish is the 

strongest possible. Also invest in a professional book cover, 

anyone who says don’t judge a book by its cover has never 

been a self publisher


Do you have some links for us to follow you?





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