Wednesday, August 14, 2024

INTERVIEW: Romantic Literary Author Kera S. Jung

 Kera S. Jung 
I now live in Switzerland, 
right at the foot of the Alps - on Lake Constance. 
I'm actually from Germany, 
I was born and grew up in Berlin.

Good morning, Kera, and welcome to Vision and Verse. What have you written? 

I have written almost 90 books so far.  

What is your favorite genre to write? 

My favorite genre is romantic books. I love looking at the subject of love in all its facets, then inventing an interesting story and using all kinds of different aspects. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes light-hearted. I also explore the question: “How does love, finding a partner, work for people with a disability or mental health problems?”

Or, as here in “Games of Blood”, the contradiction between deep, devoted love and a world of violence, death and crime.

Favorite food. 

I love rustic cuisine. I prefer a braised knuckle of pork with potatoes and sauerkraut to any haute cuisine.  I can't really make up my mind.

If I then also think about rice pudding or desserts ... Oh no. There's too much choice and all my good intentions start to weep.

Tea or coffee? 

Coffee! Definitely coffee - preferably administered intravenously.

Pizza or ice cream? 
Ice cream - after the pizza. Sorry, I'm really not a glutton - but when someone asks me something so mean and I can't decide?

I’m sorry, I did not mean to be mean. 

You can have both. 

Wine or beer or soda or what? 

It depends on my mood, the time of day or the place. In everyday life, just fruit juice or lemonade alongside coffee. Sometimes a glass of wine in the evening.

On the Mediterranean at sunset, it can be a glass more, or a good Prosecco.

Where would you like to visit? 

Bangor. Definitely to Bangor. That's where my great idol Stephen King lives. Then I'd like to drive across the USA to San Francisco by car, without any deadline pressure or any tasks, fixed destinations or anything like that. That would be something!

Favorite musical artist.  

There isn't really a single artist.

Do you listen to music when you write?  



I like listening to Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Muse, Thirty seconds to mars etc. Sometimes I also like punk rock. But that also depends on the mood.

Music is very important to me when I'm writing. My family knows: “If the bass almost pushes the door out of the frame, then leave mom alone. She's writing!”

What makes you laugh? 

Sometimes my pets, often my family, especially my husband.

Now we have three cats and a small dog that we rescued from a shelter.

Incidentally, there have always been and always will be animals in our home. My husband used to work with dogs. For a while, we had several large dogs (German and Belgian shepherds, Rottweilers and large mixed breeds) and four cats living with us at the same time. Our children grew up with the animals. It's a strange feeling when you see your four-year-old daughter moving freely between dogs that are bigger than her and you know she's as safe as in Abraham's lap.

Favorite work of art or sculpture. 
I don't have a favorite. If a work of art captivates me, I can look at it for hours, but there are so many different styles and eras that I can't and don't want to settle on just one.

How old were you when you started writing? 

I made my first attempts at the age of 12. Back then, I contracted chronic tendinitis because I practiced like a maniac on my first typewriter. I had to practice so that my fingers formed the words as quickly as my thoughts formulated them.

Do you plan out your book with outlines and notecards? Or just write? 

A short plan, then start writing and see where it leads. Best recipe, because plots get overturned anyway. So I do. They often do what they want and rarely develop as planned.

Describe your perfect evening. 

Watching the setting sun in the Mediterranean on a warm summer evening, sitting in a bar with my husband and drinking a glass of Prosecco.

Where do you get your inspiration? 

It can be anything. A new music track, a scene that I observe somewhere in everyday life, a mood or a character in a movie. Sometimes it's just a sudden thought that flits by - then I have to hurry to capture and hold on to it.

What do you do when you get a writer's block? 

When I'm overcome by something like this, I rearrange my study and just keep writing until I find it easy again.

Of course, there are moments in life when I also find it difficult to write. This was the case last fall when my husband had to undergo a major operation after another heart attack. Something like that overshadows all good thoughts.

But even if it's not such a drastic situation, as an author you sometimes get stuck.

A long car journey with music or a good audio book helps me.

As a passenger. My husband has to drive and I just enjoy the magnificent landscape here and let my thoughts run free, switch off. It's like a short vacation for my soul.

Who is your favorite author? 

Stephen King, J.K. Rowling and of course all their pseudonyms.

Best book you ever read. 

There are several candidates. 

The Casual Vacancy - completely underrated and unjustly slated by the critics.

The Green Mile - simply incredibly dense and oppressive, anyone who doesn't cry has no heart.

The entire Harry Potter series - a must-see every year.

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King - one of the densest, most gripping stories I've ever had the pleasure of following.

Last book you read. 

For the umpteenth time: The Silkworm (A Cormoran Strike novel)

What would you do for a living if you weren’t a writer? 

I would raise kangaroo babies and look after dog and cat puppies on the side. Okay, there might also be baby goats.

And baby cows.

Baby pigs.

Baby raccoons.

Just about everyone except alligators.

That is the best answer I have ever had to that question in the eleven years of this blog! I want to be there with you. 🥰

Who is the one person who has influenced your personal life the most and why?
This is my husband. My partner and my best friend. He supports me wherever he can, he encourages me, he never doubts me, he lets me live my dream and he is always there for me.

If you could sit down and have a conversation with ONE person, living or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why? 

I want to talk to J. K. Rowling for one night and then we'll go to Maine to see Stephen and continue the conversation between the three of us.

What advice would you give someone who aspired to be a writer? 

If you're disciplined enough, don't accept lulls in your writing, can really bite through them and have plenty of ideas and idealism, then get started. Don't forget to read. Read everything you can get your hands on and don't lose heart.

We are just now starting to translate all my books into American. That's why we're only now starting with separate accounts for TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

That's why I'm including the links to the German Amazon page and also to the German accounts here.



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